My Road to 50k SPS- Staking everyday to reach my SPS Goal in Splinterlands

Playing the battle game is always fun with splinterlands and with each battle we need to set up a strategy based on the game rule set and available cards. The game is so much fun for sure I can say based on my experience and that too there are different strategies we are required to follow to improve the winning ratio. I have been playing the game for more than three years but still sometimes I feel like there is a lot to learn for me and that is something makes me feel excited about the game because they keep on adding new things. Gaming is more about creativity and the team behind splinterlands knows it well that how they are supposed to work and keep the community engaged.


They also keep on bringing the changes in terms of the overall gaming experience as well as the better use case of tokens including SPS. In this quarter they have announced that they are going to replace the collection power by SPS stake and I believe this is one of the biggest change in the game that we have seen this year. Land is another fantastic addition in the game I believe but here I'm not considering that instead talking about the cards game the use case of SPS is going to be much more. I like the change and I believe this is also a method where the people who are with the game for the long term should maintain some holding of the token to have a balance.

SPS will replace Collection power

By now I believe almost everyone is aware that soon we are going to have the change in game through which SPS will replace the collection power. It means that if you hold more SPS in your game account then you will be able to play on the higher league but one thing is required to note that these SPS tokens must be staked. Keeping the SPS token in game account in liquid form is not going to help because the team is expecting the players to lock the token and enjoy the gaming on the higher league. I am not sure why the price for SPS is not going up even after this change announcement but most probably once the change is implemented in the game then it will result in more demand for the token. When demand will increase then obviously it is going to result in the price increase and before that happens I try to accumulate as much as I can.

My SPS Goal

Earlier my sps goal was 30K in total but after this change announcement I decided to make it 50k. Although the ultimate goal is to have 60K SPS tokens in total But before that I want to be at 50K so that I reach there faster and then the gap will not be higher which I think will be easily achievable. It's always good to play on the higher league and since now with the upcoming change based on SPS token holding we are going to play on the league so it is very much important for all of us as player to grow the overall sps holding. I don't know what other players are thinking but my plan is to accumulate as much as I can before the change is applied in the game and this is the reason why I am trying to buy more tokens from the market and power up in my game account. I will continue to share my SPS achievement time to time and see how far I grow with my sps goal.


As of now I have over 33k SPS so I need to accumulate almost 17k more to have 50k in total. Its like 66% is achieved and rest 33% remaining ned to achieve.

Why I believe in SPS

As I have already mentioned in my prior post that I have been accumulating SPS since the beginning and it is because I believe on the long term in the game. the team has already announced in the beginning that they have long-term plans for SPS holders so whoever will hold will get the benefits and I followed the same strategy. even now when the price is low then also my strategy remains same and I knew that they are going to make it much more valuable in the game. now we know that it is going to be a primary requirement for anyone who wants to play the game and basis of token holding they are going to get the eligibility on different leagues. I'm sure this is going to be a big change in the game but it is just a matter of time and I hope that it is also going to contribute for a better price of the token.

So this is the reason why I believe in SPS and trying to accumulate more before the change is live. The market also seemed to be good these days and I doubt if it also increased the price for SPS but to be honest I do not want that to happen because I am trying to buy more. More accommodation is part of my strategy in the game as of now and hopefully in next few months I should be able to achieve the SPS target that I am working on

(Splinterlands is a fantastic play-to-earn game and if you like to join then do it through my affiliate link shared below.)

[Images are from the splinterlands game wherever not mentioned]

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