Checking out the Reward Shop and Glint utility

Hello and Namaste Everyone,

I have not tried the new reward system in the Spenderlands game. I know I get tokens at this season which I have been accumulating. I can't say whether it is good or bad because I have never gone through it in detail. I hope that this change is good but I can tell you only when I figure out the use case in the shop. The basic options provided on the website where I can see the token balance and also the option to open what shop. What are the items available in the shop it is still a new thing for me. So today is the time when I'm going to check out what stuff of available in the shop and what I can buy based on my token balance.

Glint tokens

In the last two seasons, I have had, this m of balance for glint tokens. It's like every season I'm earning almost 1.25 K Glint tokens and I can't say whether it's a good amount or not because I haven't seen other people what they earn every season. I can see the multiplier for the glint boost which is 7.38 X and my earning per win is need to spend some time on this part of the game to figure out how is it going on and what is my potential reward in the game. There must be some calculation in this and I'm sure that SPS is still playing the multiplier role. It was already part of the reward pool through the reward multiplier and now when we have the new system in place then, also it is part of it.

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So I checked out the details for glint boost through the manage option and here is what I can see. The entire breakup is provided for this multiplier or you can say the boost. After going through this window we can easily understand how it works and here also we have the option to buy rent or stake SPS tokens because it is still an important part of the game. This is good because SPS is the governance coin and they should have a valuable role in the entire gaming ecosystem. I doubt why the price is going down when the game still has a crucial role for sps in the entire ecosystem.



Now I have entered into the shop option. There I can see many cards available and these are different steps available in the shop. We can say it's a marketplace or a shop where the currency is glint. This token can be used to buy any of the cards depending on the price it has in the market and rarity draws it looking good to me. Now because things are not going to be random I believe because if I am buying rare then for sure I'm getting rare at some price. Even if I go hard legendary then also I know that it has to be legendary without any change and this is what I like a lot. In the earlier reward system, we were not sure if we were getting legendary epic career or common but now we can choose to go with but yes it also has a different cost according to rarity.


I can also see some exclusive cards which are sort of title but the price is very high. I don't have that much balance with me and even if I go with the least one then also I need to save for four months or something. Technically I earn 250k approximately in a month in glint tokens and paying 1 million is such a big amount for me and that too I don't know what will be the use case for these titles.


So overall this change looks good to me and I hope more items will be added to the shop and this will bring an even better experience for the players. I think we have gone to the next level where we are not excited for this season and reward. You are not getting anything which is the surprise element but it's fine because now we have the flexibility to accumulate more tokens and buy something big but the price also goes up when we are buying something big in a bigger quantity so we need to keep in mind this also.

[Images are taken from splinterlands wherever the image source is not mentioned]

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

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