Happy new week everyone here @hivenaija. It another amazing week and I will be responding to one of the questions in the hivenaijaweekly prompts.

If and when I raise children, I'll never... Share what your dream child-raising would never include, whether you have kids now or not. If you're living the dream already, still share with us.

I often think about how I will raise my kids when I get to have them. Children are a special gift from God to men.


Parenting is an incredibly complex and rewarding experience, and no two children are the same. However, there are some universal truths that all parents can take into account when raising their children.I want to use the different stages of life to explain what I’ll never do, ranging from infancy to adolescence. The different stages have their own uniqueness.

The first sage is INFANCY (0–2) years. During this stage, the child learns to walk, talk, and interact with others. I would never use physical punishment or yelling as a means of discipline because, during this stage, they don’t really know their left or right; they don’t even understand why they are being punished, so you correct them appropriately, not by yelling or beatings; if not, they will get used to the beatings fast, and that’s not good. All they need is positive reinforcement and gentle guidance to learn right from wrong. I would also never leave my infant unattended for any length of time. Infants need constant supervision, and they can get into all sorts of mischief if left alone. It's also important to never force an infant to eat more than they want, as this can lead to problems with eating later in life.


When my child is in the toddlerhood stage (2–4 years), I'll never give in to temper tantrums. Toddlers are learning to regulate their emotions, and giving in to tantrums only reinforces bad behavior. Instead, I'll try to stay calm and redirect the child's attention to something else. Also, know that at this stage, they tend to copy whatever they see you or people around them doing. It's good to keep the child in a positive environment where they won’t be influenced.


When my child is in early childhood (4–8 years old), I'll never let them use technology as a babysitter. Young children need interaction and stimulation. I'll also never give them "too much" freedom, as they still need structure and boundaries. And I'll never dismiss their feelings, as they're starting to develop a sense of self. I'll make sure to listen to them and help them work through their emotions. Finally, I'll never ignore their creative side, as this is a key time for developing creativity and imagination.

When my child is in mid-childhood (8–11 years old), I'll never forget to foster their independence. Children in this stage are developing a sense of self and becoming more independent. It's important to give them age-appropriate responsibilities and let them make decisions for themselves. I'll also never forget to encourage their social and emotional development. Middle childhood is when children start to form friendships and learn to manage their emotions. I'll make sure to provide a safe and supportive environment for them to do this. And finally, I'll never forget to encourage their academic growth. School is a big part of a child's life at this stage, and I'll do everything.

As the mother of a teenager (12–19 years old), there are some things I’ll never do. First, I’ll never criticise or shame them for their mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life and are often how we learn and grow. I’ll never compare them to their peers or siblings. Each child is unique in their own way. I’ll never neglect their emotional needs. Teenagers can be moody and emotional, and it's important to validate their feelings and provide a safe space for them to express themselves. One of the most important things I will never do is choose a career for them; instead, I will guide them to not make mistakes in their lives.

For now, I will stop there. I believe that before that stage in my life comes, I will be more exposed. I’m open to corrections and ideas too.


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