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PIZZA 420 The Calzones Brawl Report #2

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Brawl Report No. 2

Tier: 2
Fray No.: 3 (Bronze Fray No Restrictions)
Hi there, Splinterfam!
Sharing with you my brawl experience with my guild (PIZZA 420 The Calzones) at Tier 2, Fray 3.
Using My owned sets of cards consisting of 3-Level 2 RF Chaos Rare Summoners (Death, Fire, and Water).

current summoners1.jpg

Hopefully, i can gather more qualified cards to fight brawls and have much more exciting battles! With that, lets proceed to my brawl report!


Battle No.1
Mana CapacityRule Set
48Fog of War


With Quora as an enemy, the result is at most expected. That Quora card is really brutal. Im still looking forward to owned such card.LOST
Battle No.1 Link

Battle No.2
Mana CapacityRule Set
18Explosive Weaponry, Healed Out


With too much debuffs coming from Crypt Mancer, my deck came short to defeat the opponent.LOST
Battle No.2 Link

Battle No.3
Mana CapacityRule Set
23Lost Legendaries


Opponent's Orella Abadon did not gave any chance to my Witch of Warwick to go berserk. It destroyed the backline of my team in an instant.LOST
Battle No.3 Link

Battle No.4
Mana CapacityRule Set
23Super Sneak, Close Range


It should be remembered that Super Sneak rule gives sneak ability to all melee monsters. I should'nt use Witch of Warwick with this fight.LOST
Battle No.4 Link

Battle No.5
Mana CapacityRule Set
29Weak Magic


Here is a surprise to me. I dont know why Relanor Cleaver looses speed when its Bloodlust activated but its the main reason I won.WON
Battle No.5 Link

Battle No.6
Mana CapacityRule Set
29Unprotected, Up Close and Personal


Living Lava's shield skill here is really an O.P. The swords and knifes are to dull to damage it.LOST
Battle No.6 Link

Battle No.7
Mana CapacityRule Set
13Spreading Fury, Reverse Speed


Quora's saying "Hi". Afterwards she says "Bye Bye". Why Quora is not legendary anyways?LOST
Battle No.7 Link



Here is my Brawl Standing with the gains:


I saved more than 2000 Merits so I decided to open a Gladius Pack.


Got an Epic and a Gold Foil Common so its not bad at all.
Our guild standing is:

guild standing.JPG

With the result of my two brawl reports, the tier 2 only emphasizes that it should be played with proper mindset and understanding. Although I am not considering myself as a newbie, it clearly reminds me that i am not yet so familiar with splinterlands game. There are still many things needed to be discovered and studied.
The good thing in tier 2 is its gain, compared to tier 1, it's much better. And of course I would like to thank the PIZZA 420 THE Calzones and HIVE Pizza Guild for the acceptance and support. These great guys!

Haven't played Splinterlands yet? Click here and explore the game. See you on the Splinter field buddy!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over the photos that were used for this post.
Editing to some features were made from Canva.

Thanks for dropping by!