Rijuk WaterFall, Bandarban Bangladesh

Today I have decided to show you a beautiful natural waterfall in Bangladesh. Every year many tourists go there to see this waterfall especially the native people of Bangladesh. Foreigners are not always allowed because of Hill Tracts rules and safety issue but it's not impossible to explore this beautiful waterfall.

It is one of the nice tourist attractions places in Bangladesh. But there is only one problem, the entire journey is hectic and full of adventure. But if you love adventure and love to explore natural elements and love to enjoy, this place is for you.


Before showing you this gem, let me share my entire journey experience with you. I started my journey from Bandarban city which is known as the Chittagong Hill Tracts area, a very beautiful city surrounded by several mountains.



So, wherever you will look, you will be able to see large mountains, curve roads, high lands, indigenous people, and playful clouds.

So we started our journey from Bandarban city, destiny Ruma Upazila. So, we hired a jeep and started our journey at 7.00 am because we have to come back before sunset.


The journey was hectic, in fact, if you have height phobia or anything, you have to be careful because the entire road felt like cliff and hiking experience. But, best part is you will be able to explore the beautiful mountains, some indigenous bazaars (markets), people and some indigenous materials houses.

I also have seen Jhoom Cultivation and how people work there for living.




It was rainy season though in Bandarban rain can come anytime. You will be able to see how suddenly the sun can be hidden by the black clouds. We also saw some beautiful small waterfalls on our way.

You will also feel the silence of the deep forest, some birds chirp or if you are lucky enough, you can see the wild animals like an elephant.


It took one and a half hours to reach our first destiny called Ruma Upazila. Then we hired a boat to cross the Sangu River and to reach our final destiny called Rijuk Waterfall. Again, 2 hours of boat ride because we have to go through the Sangu River.



I wish I have enough to explain how was the entire scenario. It was magical, to be honest. Not only I have seen beautiful mountains, but also I have seen the lifestyle of indigenous people, how much hard work they do every day. Men go for fishing and women go for Jhoom agriculture. They grow bananas, rice, potato, and many other crops in the mountains, though they are destroying the mountain forest somehow to set the fire because of their own agriculture system.




I have captured so many pictures on my way, it was a really beautiful moment that I have experienced in person.



Finally, after a long way, we reached our final destination. Unfortunately, when we reached, it started raining and the entire weather became stormy.



In these pictures, you can see the rain and how ferocious the waterfall became. The entire area of the waterfall became so slippery and dangerous to go nearby. Anything can happen.



Huge water was falling and the force was incredible, it was really windy situation and hard to look at during rain. I somehow managed a sandy area to capture some pictures of the waterfall because I didn't want to go back with an empty hand.




I have tried to capture different stages of this waterfall and how it looks like during the rainy season.


The water from the waterfall was not clear because it was full of mountain soil and the entire waterfall is connected with Sangu River.



After spending 30 minutes, we decided to go back as the weather was not good and we have to go through the river again. We were fully wet without an umbrella or towel and reached Ruma again with wet clothes.


Believe it or not, it was a lifetime experience, and I never ever seen such a gorgeous scenario in my life with fluctuated weather. A Few minutes ago it was sunny and now rainy... Be careful about that...


This was my entire journey, from the rocky road to the boat ride, an amazing package. I don't know whether I am gonna able to visit my country. If I do, I highly doubt that I will be able to explore this place again.





I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily...

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Thank you @sergiomendes for this amazing GIF... If you want your GIF also you can contact with him...

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<br//:# (!pinmapple 22.015897 lat 92.401822 long Rijuk Waterfall d3scr)>

Original post written by @priyanarc

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