The Digital Evolution: How Google Reshaped My World!!!

So, I got to know of this new community by @olujay and it's all about our digital lifestyle. Yes, we all work online with our gadgets, and apps for our productivity and well-being. I decided to start sharing some things about my digital stuff and experiences which has aided in my productivity. First off, I was exploring this same community while doing nothing but sitting down in the staff room since there isn't work for me on Fridays and I got an inspiration of what to share with us as my first post in the digital lifestyle community.

So, stay tuned as I take you back memory lane and how technology has become something great to humanity, only if we explore it to help improve our lives and not the other way round.

Way back in 2010...


source designed on Canva

For years, I relied on my siblings for answers to each of my questions, never was I aware of the wealth of knowledge that was available at my fingertips through Google. I would always seek their help in everything bothering my mind, poor me, I was also naive at that time because I never put my small browsing phone into good use, I was ignorant to the world of Google and how it could help answer whatever questions you brought it to. I only used the phone for 2go, watch movies being sent from one friend to another or most times, listen to songs.

At some point, they grew tired of my constant inquiries, urging me to seek answers elsewhere. Several times, my younger sister would tell me to move closer to Google and make it my friend for anything I needed answers to, but I don't know, maybe it was how I wasn't exposed to technology in the kind of environment I was in or that those within the areas were as shallow as I was then. My siblings lived far away from our parents where they got to learn things quicker than I, who lived with my parents without enough knowledge of so many things.

Little did I know, that Google would become more than just a search engine — it would become a companion as I seek more knowledge to improve my life.



While I reflect on those days now, I realized how I have underestimated the power of technology. Instead of making Google my friend and turning to it for help, I would pester my siblings with endless questions of which they got tired of me and referred me to Google as one confidant tech to humans. I was oblivious to the vast resources I had yet to navigate through.

It wasn't until later in life that I sincerely embraced Google as my friend and mentor. Its infinite database of information encouraged me to make it my go-to source for answers, insights and inspiration for whatever I wanted to do. Being a song composer at that time, I was able to search for different lyrics which I would use, change the lyrics and make an original song from it. Night after night, I became accustomed to Google and would always seek answers to every question in my mind.

You wouldn't be surprised how Google helped me become a beautiful love message writer as I would just browse for messages, and send them to my friends with some little touch on them, I became a love poet as a result of this, with my friends not knowing that Google was my saviour who helped me gain such fame and a name for myself.


screenshot from my phone

No longer did I rely on others for knowledge; I took control of my learning journey and unlocked a world of possibilities. But the journey didn't end there. My ability to know the meaning of some words without checking for it anywhere was a result of my discovery of online dictionaries during that time. Ever since I discovered Google being able to proffer solutions to answers, I got to know about online dictionaries.

These invaluable tools expanded my vocabulary, empowering me to communicate more effectively with my peers. Today, as I navigate through the digital landscape with confidence, I am grateful for the journey I experienced which led me to embrace Google as more than just a search engine. This tool has helped me discover lots of things today including my quest for knowledge and the empowerment to explore new horizons.

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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