Exploring Introversion.

A social person is always around people, he or she finds it comfortable to interact with groups of people mostly, they are in the category of extroverts. They are more friendly and are seen from one place to another without finding it difficult to do. Social persons love to talk as they find satisfaction when being around other people. They easily make friends because of their personalities and hardly would you see them alone and bored. A social person is approachable, outgoing, good at communication, open-minded and cooperative.


I am not a social person and that is because I am an extreme introvert who finds satisfaction and pleasure in being alone. I don't find it easy to make friends but I always welcome one when it comes and that is only when I have observed you are one to move closer to. I don't go out but when I do, I love to go alone and at other times, I go with a few selected people who we can hang out with and after a while, we go back home. I don't go to parties and it's hard for me to attend one where I am even invited to. I don't like much noise around me and when I eventually go to a party, I don't stay too long before I leave the scene so I can run back into my cocoon.

I don't like talking too much as I am a lady of few words but when the discussion is interesting, I'd love to stay longer but when it gets to a stage, I get tired and would run into my corner. I just love to be alone with no distractions. This is why I find it uncomfortable to live with someone else aside from my relative. I love my privacy and could stay indoors for long. Most times, I will be asked if I travelled when they do not see me around and would tell them I have been inside and just don't come out.

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As a non-social person that I am, I am more than comfortable with my life because I do not like being in a crowded or noisy place. I don't like long talks and that's why I do not abhor any arguments at all. I have been living this way for years and it is what I am used to. I go out when I need to. I can stay on my phone chatting with friends and being lively, but when it comes to physical contact, it is hard to keep up with the interaction. I do tell people I am not the same person I used to be online. I can be so friendly, jovial, and interactive online, but it all ends there. As far as I am concerned with this life, no one has complained to me about not being the same person offline. When it comes to my relationships with others, I try my best to be attentive and give them my undivided attention. When it comes to attending an event, I simply turn down the ones I cannot meet up with and politely make myself understandable to the other person in a way that there wouldn't be any cause to hurt another person. Stepping out of my room is something I find difficult except someone has to push me out 😃

Some weeks ago, one of the Nysc members in my CDS group got wedded and we were told to attend but I immediately declined because I don't like going out, especially to an event where I don't know the host or am not in contact with him or her. I was given numerous reasons why I should attend but I told them if only they knew who I am, I am not a social person who loves attending parties except one I am more than convinced to attend. It's all about understanding and communicating my feelings and thoughts so the other person could get my points and there wouldn't be any issues. Some will say if I don't celebrate with people, no one would. The truth is, even if it is only my family members who attend my event, I am all good. I don't go by such a statement because it is not until I attend a function to celebrate someone. I am good to give calls and send messages to wish you well and if I am convinced to attend, I will go.

Just recently, a colleague has been forcing me to attend an event happening in her family but I told her my thoughts and do not like such. She even said if I do not attend, we would fight. Hahaha 😆 only if she knows me well because I don't even want any friendship. I just like to be on my own and the little circle I have are enough for me. Though it is good to surround yourself with people, I am someone who selects and it doesn't make me move away from people, all that matters is placing each person where they belong.

That is all about who I am and the type of personality I have which I am comfortable with. Though there are times I wish to be social and be able to interact freely and easily, I noticed I cannot force it, besides having such a life is too demanding and I just want my peace and nothing more. They say more friends means more trouble, so let me just stay in my lane and keep enjoying my non-social life.

First image belongs to me

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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