Night blooming Jasmine

Hi everyone
My greetings to you
Hope you are doing well


The small flowers of Night blooming Jasmine proves that it's not your size that decides your worth, the thing that matters is your qualities. Your qualities are what make you adorable and worthy.


As the Sun starts setting down in the evening, the small tubular flowers start opening their buds,as the birds spreads there wings to fly high in the sky. In the same way as these tiny flowers open their buds their exotic fragrance start flowing in the air and catching the attention of each and every heart met on the way. Ahh.. What a fragrance threse tiny flowers release, it can not be explained in the words.


Yesterday we got a little late while visiting the temple, and this proved to be a blessing in disguise for us. As we came out of the temple after prayers., I got to smell the heavenly fragrance. My eyes, following the commands of my Neurocentre, tried to find the plant from where this fragrance is coming.
Finally I found the plant. Amazingly for so many days I have been visiting the temple, the plant is already there, so many times I have seen it. But never caught the fragrance earlier. As it was late that day,so some of the flowers had already started opening their buds and releasing the fragrance in the atmosphere., and in this way I came to notice and appreciate another wonder of God.


The Binomial name of this beautiful plant is ~Cestrum Nocturnum~
It has so many common names like
The lady of the night
Night scented Jessamine
Night-scented Cestrum
Raat ki Raani (Hindi)



As apparent, this plant falls in the category of Ornamental plants and mainly grown for its scent.



This one is a full grown plant, it must be around 10-12 feet high. So it's not that small, but yes if you grow it in a pot then it will not grow that much. But still you can have the fragrance 😊 so grow it if you don't have one already 😊😊


For more details regarding this beautiful flower plant, click here

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