Testing some strategies with Queen of Crows

Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and read more about the challenge, click here.

The Rebellion edition is the latest edition of cards in Splinterlands and there are a lot of new summoners and monsters which came out with this one. Each week I focus on different monsters and discuss them in detail with strategies that best fit them. This week we are going back to the Chaos edition for an impressive unit. It is a Rare Death unit, Queen of Crows, a powerful attacker with impressive stats and a very high mana cost. It costs 9 mana to use but can this unit justify this hefty cost? Let's try to answer this question.

Let's start by looking at its stats in detail.

Queen of Crows

Close Range

Queen of Crows is a Rare Death unit. It is a high mana cost unit costing 9 mana to use but it comes with some impressive stats. On the attacking part, it deals heavy ranged attack damage with decent speed so it can be a very powerful attacker. And on the defensive side, it has a lot of health so it can be a wise choice in your battle, especially if it is a high mana cap battle or a 99 mana cap battle. It comes with a 'Close Range' ability so it can be even used in the first place as a tank, even though it is a ranged attacker. This flexibility makes it a good addition to your deck and your lineup.

Let me show you how it performs using a battle as an example.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Owster Rotwell
Position 1
Magi Necrosi
Position 2
Doctor Blight
Position 3
Chaos Agent
Position 4
Magi of Chaos
Position 5
Queen of Crows

It was a 39-mana cap battle and had the following rulesets:

  • Equal Opportunity - All monsters have the Opportunity ability.

  • Keep Your Distance - Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.

All elements except 'Fire' and 'Life' were active during this battle. I went with Rotwell Owster as my summoner as I was expecting my opponent to use a lot of magic attackers and my summoner would give 'Magic Reflect' ability to all the units which will deal damage back to the attackers.

My tank in this battle was Djinn Muirat. It is an impressive magic attacker dealing 2 magic attack damage and comes with a lot of interesting abilities. It costs 9 mana and has some armour along with good health. The armour is more valuable as it comes with a 'void armour' ability as well.

Next in my lineup was Magi Necrosi. It was another mage that had a lot of interesting abilities and it dealt 3 magic attack damage with great speed. It didn't have as much health as the previous unit but it comes with 'Camouflage' ability so it cannot be directly attacked from this position. It only cost 6 mana.

Doctor Blight was placed in the third position, which costs just 4 mana and deals magic attack damage. It also comes with 'Camouflage' and one more interesting ability called affliction which makes its target unable to heal during the rest of the battle. This is quite useful in many situations.

Chaos Agent was also placed in the midst of all of these. It just costs 1 mana and I use it as I have a spare mana to spend. I didn't expect much from this unit, maybe it could absorb one or two hits while it's there.

But I expected a lot more from Magi of Chaos. It deals 2 magic attack damage, costs 6 mana and has decent health. Even though it didn't have any abilities, its magic damage adds a lot to the overall attacking strength of my lineup.

Last but not least was Queen of Crows, our highlighted unit for this post. It comes with an interesting ability called 'Headwinds' which reduces the ranged attack of all enemy units by 1. This is super useful and helps almost all the time. I could have placed somewhere in the middle of the lineup too but I went with the end just to secure my backline.

Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

My strategy for this battle was a bit influenced by the rulesets provided because it disallowed the use of melee attackers. So, I used the ways to counter my opponent's magic and ranged attackers. Giving every unit in my lineup a 'magic reflect' ability makes the enemy units get more damage if they use magic attackers.

I also used the Queen of Crows to reduce their range attack damage by 1. With both types of attacks successfully countered I focused back on the fundamentals. I used a powerful tank in the front of the lineup. I used a decoy in the form of Chaos Agent so the attackers with attack this first because of the ability given by the Equal Opportunity ruleset.

This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win in the end.

My opponent went with an interesting strategy of its own. They used the Djinn Oshannus and used the marty ability of Venari Marksrat to increase its stat and make my unit's task difficult. They used a tank healer as well so most of their focus was on this one unit at the front.

I seemed to gain some advantage in round 1 which didn't last long as I lost a few units at the start of the second round. Both of our tanks were receiving very few attacks due to the equal opportunity ruleset in action.

One by one all the units in my opponent's camp were eliminated leaving just Djinn Oshannus alone against many attackers. One of them was a ranged attacker so his void ability was not working to protect it against the ranged damage.

It tried to hold on for a few more rounds and took down a couple of my units single handedly but it was too big of an ask. We both knew it couldn't sustain that amount of attacks for long and soon it perished too leaving me with a nice victory at the end.


Queen of Crowns played a crucial role in my lineup, not only does it increase the overall attacking strength of your lineup by dealing ranged attack damage, but it also adds massively to the defensive strength as it comes with huge health of its own. It was the last unit in my battle to stay alive, mostly because of its placement. But you can use it anywhere in your lineup and it will do a fine job, got to love that 'close range' ability on ranged attackers. Yes, it costs 9 amount of mana but if you have enough mana it could play a huge role in your lineup.

I recommend it in your lineups if you have some extra mana to spare and want some more attacking strength to your lineup. Let me know if you find it useful as well.

Thanks for reading...

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