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Sound money is what President Trump is talking about when he says "THE BEST IS YET TO COME"...

Not many people realize how close we are to the "Activation" of "Sound Money"...

"Sound Money" is already spread out, all over the United States, just waiting to be "Activated"...

The reason we're about to Reset to "Sound Money" is because the Fiat Dollars used in the United States of a Sovereign people has already lost 99% of it's "Spending Power"...

That only leaves One Percent in "Sound Money" out of each of the Fiat Dollars...

The Transfering over to "Sound Money" will be very smooth, due to the Redemption Period of all Fiat Debt Notes...

Federal Reserve Notes will maintain their "Spending Power" during the "Redemption Period"...

The Redemption Period may go on for at least Six Months, but it's possible to be longer...

At the End of the "Redemption Period" all Federal Reserve Notes will become Void of Legal Tender Status...

This means, you can still hold onto them as a Collector, but you'll no longer be able to use them as Money, or turn them in for "Sound Money"...

We are about to enter a Period of Prosperity, the likes of which hasn't been seen for many Decades...

Power is Money, and President Trump is about to Return the Power, back to the People...

WE THE PEOPLE are the Proud Owners of "Sound Money"...

"Sound Money" will come in many different forms, and they will all be backed by Gold and Silver...

Gold and Silver is about to Flood into the United States Treasury, from all over the World...

The United States Mints will buy an ounce of Gold for the Melt Value Price of $35.00 and Mint that ounce of Gold into $50.00 worth of Sound Money...

$50 in "Sound Money" will have the same "Spending Power" as $5.000.00 in today's Fiat Dollars...

In other words, Fifty Dollars in "Sound Money" will be "A LOT Of MONEY"...

Everything of Value, including your Wages will be "Reset" to "Sound Money"...

If a person is currently earning 25 Dollars per hour in Fiat Money, they will be "Reset" to 25 Cents per hour, in "Sound Money"...

If your Home Mortgage Balance is $300.000.00, it will Reset to $3,000.00 in "Sound Money"...

If your Car Loan Balance is $25,000.00 in Fiat Money, it will Reset to $250.00 in "Sound Money"...

Remember that $250 in "Sound Money" will be Five, One Ounce $50 Gold Coins...

Anyway... If a person does nothing to prepare, they will not be harmed Financially, by the U.S. Monetary Reset to "Sound Money"...

Start listening at the 34 Minute Mark...

Feel free to ask questions about what I have revealed to you today...

March 9, 2020... 10.6 Hollywood Time...

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