Tiny white flower photography

We were informed that the bad weather will last until Saturday but it doesn't seem like it. Today, the weather is all I ever wish for and I had a great time during my walk this morning. I got a bunch of photos but I only picked 3 photos for this post. Many of the photos were out of focus because it was breezy and I can't seem to get my subjects to stop moving. I do have some lucky shots which were perfectly timed and with better results.

All of the photos were taken using my iPhone which is becoming my favorite tool for my photography. It's handy and flexible enough to shoot at an angle where DSLR is a challenge.

It's not yet summer but I'm already seeing some wildflowers in our surroundings. These are a few of the resilient kinds of flowers that sometimes make it alive for the whole year. There will be more of these during the summer season.




Have a great day!

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