How much crypto should your portfolio have?

Stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, silver, crypto?

Most of us are here to learn and get better at making money. At least, I am here partly for that. I also just enjoy blogging about finance, but everyday I learn more and more about investing and creating assets. Because, that is what makes people rich, creating assets that bring in fresh money, to create more assets, and so on and so on.

But as investing in crypto has become more and more mainstream, especially now with the jump in the crypto pool by Paypal, and the following Bitcoin pump. The big question is, how much of your portfolio should be in cryptocurrencies? And in which ones?


Open question

This question is a hard one to answer, as everyone's risk appetite is different. But I have made sure for myself, that I am invested in crypto between 5 and 10 % of my portfolio. The biggest part of my portfolio is in funds and stocks, and real estate is second (through investment vehicles partly). But by now, I am at around 6 % invested in Cryptocurrencies. The currencies I invested in are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Celsius, Hive and LEO, Steem, APX, Electroneum, and some minor currencies as a calculated gamble.

Maybe I will expand that portfolio with some other currencies later on, but I am waiting a little more, because I think the Bitcoin bull run is far from over, so investing in Alts will get more interesting!

Now, what are you doing? Have you got more in crypto? And why? Feel free to comment and let your philosophy know!



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