Without God "You labour in vain"

Sunday 23rd of October 2022.

Image from unsplash by Safal Karki

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life without God is miserable, it full of terrors, it full of lost with no good results and labouring with vain. People can't achieve anything progressive without God knowing, God knows all and he determine what each and every one is going to pass through.

People usually engage in one or the other businesses which will yield no good results for them because it a business that is seen as "a labouring in vain business". You can't achieve success without God, we need God to achieve success we need him for everything so that we can get a better future.

In life to get real wealth we need God to direct our footsteps, without God you labour in vain. To labour in vain means alot it means, to dwell in futility, to work hard without positive results, to labour fruitlessly, to find it diffcult to make it in life, to keep on failing where others are succeeding, to experience profitless hard work, to be someone whose effort usually end up useless, to work in emptiness, to keep on biting fingers while others are counting profits and lastly Failing to bear good fruits with differents progressive branches or tastes.

There are some forces behind the Labouring in vain action, there are certain things that makes people far away from God through differents things it can be either sins and many more when and individual is far away from God he or she will surely labour in vain. To understand clearly why people labour in vain you need to careful note the forces that are attached or behind Labouring in vain and there are:

Ignorance; Ignorance is a strong force that is behind Labouring in vain action or spirit. Does who stay far away from God don't have knowledge of what they are doing that why they keep on labouring in vain. Since ignorance is the opposite of knowledge people without knowledge and understanding labours in vain.

Curse: Behind curse is a great problem which brings out diversities of troubles to individual. A person who is cursed can engage in something morally wrong which will make the person far away from God and definitely he or she labours in vain because without God "people labours in vain".

Engaging in wrong carrier and being with the wrong people or location; when an individual engages in the wrong thing he or she will continue doing the wrong thing without making process. Doing the wrong businesses will make you labour in vain for instance you are destined to be a teacher and then you engage in buying and selling of goods you will continue to labour in vain unless you change for good. Location also matters staying at the wrong location is a strong force that keeps on taking people businesses down engaging with the wrong people will make you get introduced to the wrong things which will make you labour in vain.

Not commiting your labours to the hands of God : God almighty knows all but he loves to hear from you, God knows everything we need he sees our minds he knows our problem but he love us to tell us ourselves. If an individual refused to commit his or her labour unto God hands by praying and many more he or she will surely labour in vain.

Lack of cooperation: In cooperation there is power, if you refused to cooperate with people who will make your labours attain success definitely you are ready to labour in vain.

What to do if you don't want to labour in vain;

Give your life to God: The Bible says "for all have sinned, and come shut of the glory of Go". We all have committed one or the other sins and with sins we will be far from God to come back to God we need to Give our life to God and change for good. Ask for forgiveness of your sins engage in seeking for knowledge about what you need to do so as you should be save from all dangers that comes your way.

Dedicate your work to God: Remember I said God knows all he knows our problems but he love us to tell him so he can work on them. To avoid Labouring in vain you need to dedicate your work to God ask him if this is the right or wrong job you need to do.

Get information about your work: people usually say information is power which is true we need enough of information to avoid mistakes, gather information about your work so you should understand clearly and so you should get enough power about what you are doing.

Prayer and Thanksgiving: Prayer is the key,

Prayer is the key, prayer is the master key,

JESUS started with prayers and ended with prayers,

Prayer is the master key.

The master key to all things is prayer, praying every day will avoid Labouring in vain through prayers we seek God mercy. Also Thanksgiving appreciate God always paying of tithes and offerings, giving Glory to God almighty continuously will help alot.

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