To the woman who gave me her unconditional love - LOH #185

I have always admired how courageous she is. Her noble qualities are quite outstanding and make me love her more every day. She is resilient and never withdraws when faced with difficult life challenges. She is hardworking, a goal-getter, and a prayer warrior.

Her outstanding achievements in life are intriguing, and that speaks volumes about her strength. A woman left alone to nurture six children to adulthood all by herself. She is the true definition of a multitasking woman. She has provided my siblings and me with so much support, love, guidance, and advice. Of course, that's part of her responsibilities as our parent, but she did all that alone with so much compassion and without giving up until she achieved her set goals for all of us, her children, and that's commendable. You could see her efforts glaring.

What more can I ask of a mother? A woman who assumed the position of head of the family unprepared, but you know what? She is so fearless, full of strength, humble, and sacrificial. She played the role of a father in my family for many years with admirable results.

How can I talk about my accomplishments in life so far without mentioning her as the pillar behind it all? She is a gift and has been a great positive influence in my life and that of my siblings. She is my model figure and means the whole world to me.

My Dad died a long time ago, when my siblings and I were still nowhere to be found in life. Mom fought so hard to fill the vacuum created by my dad's demise. My dad left no tangible assets for us, but only an empty piece of land for farming, which some persons within our clan later conspired and snatched away from mom. It was devastating, and when she tried to recover the land, she got poisoned upon a visit to the land and couldn't walk anymore. Long story short, God healed her after many months of praying, and she later faced different kinds of business at a go just to feed us and be sure that her dream of training my siblings and me in the university was accomplished.

The level of sacrifice made by Mom those days baffled me, and I doubt if I have such strength in me to act like her. A woman inform of a man whose resilience is admirable. If she had folded her hands, perhaps the current life my siblings and I live today would have taken a different turn.

She overcame all the challenges she faced alone while raising my siblings and me. Today, six of us are all university graduates, courtesy of mom. You could see a contagious smile on her face whenever my siblings and I visited her, especially at the end of the year. She feels this inner peace and fulfilment seeing the stages we are in in life today. She is a great achiever. Her traits are worthy of emulation.

...And that person is my adorable super mom.

I hope she reads this article about her someday. I hope to be blessed with the same strength and wisdom she is endowed with.

Words failed me to express my feelings enough towards her in writing, but it's my prayer that she lives long enough to enjoy her laborious efforts.

Thanks for reading through♥️♥️♥️

All images are mine

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