Do something every day. It will compound over time.

Every cent counts.

Having the chat at work in the mornings and a lot of the staff know that I have some crypto and am involved in the whole scene form my college course and my repeated efforts to get them onto hive.

*There has been some serious shilling of Leo as an onboarding vehicle to crypto and a place to learn about everything. *

That is besides the point anyway but today's chat ended up talking about the different assets that I have across crypto. From hive to hive based tokens. This got me some Leo and now cub, cake, bnb and everything linked to the defi site. Nft art and splinterlands cards. This is only the tip of the iceberg across all of the chains, airdrops, buys, holdings ect...


It all adds up over three years as you move into more and more areas across crypto. Hive has been the starting point for all of this and will continue to be that gateway for years to come. The funny part is that most of these tokens and assets were earned and not bought.

The guys at work have no idea of the extent of it but they were all saying how lucky I was to have these things while it's all running hot.

My reply was looking at it form a different angle.

When I started 3 years ago, I only put a few hundred dollars into the game. That was just before the bear market and over the past three years I have managed to multiply that many times over.
If I had the total funds now that I had three years ago then I would be a multi millionaire during this bull run. I would have been able to multiply those numbers over and over again to have a lot of tokens earned and ready for this pump.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest as that is how you progress. That is why I am looking at my position another three years down the line when I can get to that point. Taking my earnings from this point onwards and trying to multiply them over and over again to reach that status.

It takes time and effort.

I tried to explain it to those guys that I had put in the work over the past three years. It didn't matter what the price is when you turn up every day and stack.

They are in the same position today that I was in three years ago. They even have an advantage of a person willing and able to get them started but I know that they won't do it.

Not many people have the capability to show up every day on the promise of something in the future.
The ability to see where things are going and the interest to make it happen.

Make your time count.

Today was very busy for me and the motivation wasn't there to write at until just now.

Luckily my accounts will passively earn,

  • HIVE
  • LEO
  • CUB
  • Small amounts of other tokens at 1-5% APR.

Those will keep compounding my gains every day.

Then I said fuck it. Why not do something useful while I have a free hour.

So I did the fun bits.

Played splinterlands - Daily quest and a few battles. $1.35

Went on - Commented a few times. $1.91

Made a few comments on HIVE and now a post on LEO - hopefully $20.

Make some votes - $3

Those few dollar might not seem like a huge amount but if you keep adding them up every day it turns into a nice number over a year. That can be a few thousand dollars in crypto. Then you can power them up and earn from voting.

This will compound those numbers and make it ten thousand next year. Buy into cubfinance and do the same. Invest into something new and get that money working.

It all stems from turning up every day and earning those few dollars.

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