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So what, in your opinion, is freedom anyway?

It seems to me that there are many versions of what people think freedom is. Previous generations have thought about freedom in very different ways than we do today.
This considered, the world over, there are many different types of freedom being lived out

every day. Even in our own country of origin society seems to layer out into different constructs of what people think living a free life is and aught to be. But one thing is certain, some people's version of freedom would be completely unacceptable to others. I believe that, fundamentally, this is where most societal conflict and unrest stems from.

So again, what is freedom and why is it so important?

I will do my best to begin this discussion and, of course, I am very interested to hear the thoughts and opinions of all of you reading these words.

My own personal search for freedom, liberty, and independence ignited 10 years ago. After the 2008 financial crash, I realized that understanding the money I exchanged for the

vicissitudes of life was vital to understanding the system that allowed or disallowed our current societal versions of the free life.

We have been told that freedom is maintained by democratic vote but what I saw was that we were voting every day via the mechanism of what people deemed to be money. In a capitalistic society money implemented consumption and investments in the future we would all soon be living. It was both a system of control and, as so often is the case during an economic bust, it was a system of wealth transfer.

I knew that, if I was going to *live a life worth living*, I was going to have to really dig deep into what it meant to be *free*, what it meant to be a *slave*, and how money is and has always been engineered to implement these *realities* into the fabric of our every day lives. I finally understood that it would be impossible to understand freedom without first understanding *money*.

In physical terms, freedom of the body would be the ability to move pain-free and

unrestricted through ones full range of motion and in the direction that one intends.

A parallel can be drawn when we consider the current extent of our own personal economic situations.

Our freedoms can be measured by paying attention to where we are currently feeling financial pain and where our intention and movement is restricted by centralized authority structures.

Learning about the specifics of how our current financial system is *engineered* brought me face to face with our current *Slave System*. Sure enough! Slavery had NOT died with that notable figure in history, Abraham Lincoln. *Slavery was very much alive!* Only it had morphed into something far more *subtle and controlling* than previous generations had witnessed.

I learned that in order to avoid the entrapment of debt and slavery I would have to learn as much as I possibly could about the money we all used every day but did not question. Money that no one taught us about during our public education years. Money that was now moving globally (although restricted nationally) at the speed of light. Invisible money that, to those who do not understand its underpinnings, is running over the average person still living their tangible lives based upon the old rules of money that no longer exist.

I found out about about inflation and money creation, fractional reserve banking and the FED, national debt and fiat currency. I learned how Richard Nixon decoupled the trusted U.S. dollar (the reserve currency of the world) from the limits and worth of gold in the year 1971.

Studying money fundamentally lead me down the rabbit hole in a way that I never

imagined possible. It was then that I became the right person (on the inside) to be receptive and open to a new and revolutionary idea. An idea, that once planted, would change the way I thought about my life and even my future.

I found out about Bitcoin during the summer of 2012... and now here I am today... taking this journey with you all here on SteemIt and I can't think of anything more exciting!

And the best part... We are still early to the party! This is only the beginning! There is still so much more to learn and I hope that we all can live more free and fulfilled lives as we explore further into this subject. What we trust as money and how we think about each other and freedom collectively is, after all, really a commentary on our relationships with our own fellow human kind.

I believe that freedom is a worthy life study. How about you?

Guys, Girls, Everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to read.
Thank you for taking the time to think.

Wil Metcalfe

"Freedom at the expense of others freedom is no freedom at all." -Wil Metcalfe

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