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Corporate Censorship is Government by the Corporation Not the People

These are unprecedented times. Corporations have transcended debate, and opinion, and now openly act in place of government by suspending the U.S. Constitution without official pressure from the U.S. Government. Social Media, and Tech giants have attacked Liberty, and free speech in an open assault on any figure who isnt a deep state globalist progressive. The self proclaimed Liberal and Tolerant among us are neither Liberal or Tolerant.

Caitlin Johnstone documents that,"Twitter has silenced three important anti-war voices on its platform: it has suspended Daniel McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, suspended Scott Horton of the Scott Horton Show, and has removed the account of writer Peter Van Buren."We know Alex Jones has been completely purged across all major Social networking platforms. Recently the creator of the #walkaway movement, Brandon Straka has been banned from Facebook right before he was organizing a march on Washington DC, October 26,2018.

Straka Sent out a tweet on Wednesday: "FACEBOOK JUST BANNED ME AS I AM PLANNING THE #WalkAway March on Washington!!! I have been banned from posting leading up to the March. This is devastated for our ability to reach people!!! I was banned for mentioning my interview with Alex Jones. Can anybody help???"

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I never expected to see Corporate Censorship Purges from Corporate America in retaliation for Hillary Clinton and her Progressive Mafia losing the 2016 Presidential Election. I would have expected that kind of Tyranny if HRC had taken office, and demanded censorship. America never has had this kind of censorship in the past for ideas, and beliefs that pose no moral, or personnel danger.

We are in effect being ruled by an Oligarch class of Billionaires, and wealthy 1%'ers who are forcing their globalist one world ideals onto a country that is self proclaimed to be,"Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.


In an Article on Zerohedge, evidence is overwhelming that Google is designing their products to push, and enforce Google's personal values, regardless if the populace of a country finds their value system distasteful, and Anti-American, Anti-Constitutional, and Anti-Family.
The link is below and it's a good eye opener

It was Victorious how the people had spoken and changed America's destiny in 2016, and thrown out Hillary Clinton. We need to vulcanize and smash these Censorship Tyrants by moving our groups to other Platforms. We have the potential to destroy Billions of Dollars in stock value by switching to other Social Networking medium's. If the grass roots alternative media world can elect presidents, we can build new networks, and move to censorship free platforms.

Leaked video shows Google leadership's political bias and conspiracy




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This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
If you enjoyed this post your upvotes and comments are greatly appreciated


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