Splinterlands - End of Season 102 Highlights

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Hello Splinterfans!

I am a few days late with my end-of-season report this time. I usually like to make my Splinterlands posts on the weekend and didn't break away from this schedule.

It has been an epic season for me personally. It started with market lows in card and crypto prices which made my recent investments come at an opportune time. I managed to grab a few bargains on the market and bolster my deck, but I also saw a couple of amazing cards going cheap that I was too slow to scoop up. I just hope I might get another chance to grab them in the future.


This season, with my improved deck I was making some great progress in Diamond III in the modern league and thought that I might break into Diamond II for the first time at one point. I then had to run some errands and didn't have time to finish playing to get there.

With this in mind, I decided I will go back to diamond chests this season and I hope it was the right decision. It takes some time for me to climb through gold and battle in diamond. This really slows down the accumulation rate.


I was generally happy with my End of Season rewards. Getting a couple of gold foils and a pack is quite good. You can't pull a legendary every day I suppose. lol

My total season rewards were great this season and a big improvement on the last one. Getting 3 packs is great, although I didn't pull anything special from them. Even though I wasn't checking the time very often to claim my daily focus rewards, I got quite a few chests this season. 7 Diamond, 137 Gold and 34 Silver. I hope I have made a smart move to go for diamond this season.

Some important upgrades that I made this season were to my water deck. The main upgrades were Angelic Mandarin for his heal ability. Baakjira for his heal ability too. He is a formidable tank.

Deeplurker for his extra attack and poison. These have come in so handy. I have also upgraded Diemonshark for his enrage ability. I still need to upgrade him further.

Another overlooked upgrade was Nerissa Tridawn. She now has a 4 attack which can make a big difference.

Flying Squid with his extra attack and blind ability was another one that was on my radar along with the other reach attacker Tide Biter for his reflection shield. He has proven his worth on many occasions.

Finally, I also made sure River Hellondale was upgraded to take advantage of his inspire ability. With all these weeks, you can imagine that was a nice boost to my water deck and I was managing to do far better near the end of the season.


Another useful monster that I have been renting for the water splinter is The Kraken. This awesome beast has proven very useful for my deck and it would be nice to have him permanently, but the cost is quite prohibitive.


MacGuiver my bot account has completed his first season too. The rewards were not so great really, but it has been an interesting period to maintain him and see how he plays. I have tried him in both modern and wild leagues, but he earned far more in wild than modern so far. He even managed to get to silver III which I thought was impressive.

I have started him out with just some basic starter cards and level 1 summoners. Once he has his deck complete, I will then consider if I will upgrade or rent some better cards at level 2. I only have a basic Archmage token so the bot will also use some of the free-to-use cards which lower the rewards down quite a bit.

Where possible, I have equipped him with summoners for every splinter to try and avoid this.


The final rewards were quite low, but this was mostly because in modern he couldn't get any daily focus chests for some reason. When he earns some cards, I then have undelegated the card from him and he starts to build his own deck up. When he gets multiple cards the same, before upgrading them, I am selling on the market and buying something he doesn't have. This I hope will help him grow his own deck faster.

So far it is a great experiment and I am enjoying controlling the bot and it has added another aspect into the game for me.

This season we had a nice surge in rentals at the end, but generally, it seems rentals are down across the board. I have been purchasing some summoners when they were on offer and this seems to have helped keep my rental income steady.

My plans for this season are to add to my deck further if there is another dip in the market, otherwise, I will try and hold on for a while. I also want to try and focus my energies on just 2 splinters as I am stretching myself quite thin when I am using 4 splinters and having 4 average teams instead of 2 really good ones maybe is not the best strategy.. I am not sure.

Two cards I have got my eye to upgrade are Adelade Brightwing for her resurrect and immunity abilities. This would be a big boost to my life deck.

I also like Junker for his repair ability. He is a neutral monster, so could be put to use in all the splinters. Who doesn't like a shield being repaired each round?

And finally, the big news that came out yesterday about the changes to rewards cards seems an exciting and big move. I am not so keen on soulbound cards, but if they are time-limited then this is seems a great move by the team. I guess this would be similar to staking them for a fixed time but still being able to use them and upgrade them.

I wonder then if it would be harder to upgrade them if you want. I do like to upgrade my Gladius cards and being able to use them is going to be great. I think this will encourage more playing and help players progress. I am excited to see what the new cards will be and add them to my deck.

The current reward cards will stop being printed by the end of the month and this has had a big impact on the market already. For most of the cards, I already have the cards that I want, but I do need to buy a few Tidebiters and Vulgine to max them out.

That's all for this update.

Thanks for reading.


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