Licenses pre-sale SPS price impact + Giveaway


The pre-sale of Splinterlands Validator licenses will be live in less than 1 hour. I have been paying close attention to the price of SPS and vouchers over the past couple of weeks.

At this point, I believe the pre-sale impact is fully priced in. Everyone that is interested in acquiring a license should already have the SPS and Vouchers ready to go, so the buying pressure is gone.

SPS price managed to climb back up to 11 cents but I was expecting it to go a little higher. On the other hand, vouchers are trading at an all-time high for 4 Hive ($2.08).

I might be wrong

Most people bought enough SPS to be able to buy licenses at Pre-Sale prices. The issue is that there aren't enough for everyone, so they might need to run to the market to buy more SPS to buy the license at a tier 1 price instead. Some speculators might also jump in if they see this happening pumping the price even higher.

It will be an exciting thing to witness live in 1 hour!


⚔️ The rules:

  • Upvote / Follow or Re-post is not mandatory but it is greatly appreciated.
  • You just have to comment. If you use a different username on Splinterlands please mention the account where you want to receive the cards.
  • Only one comment per person

The winner will be picked by a randomizer and will be announced on next week's giveaway post.

⚔️ Cards for this week:

Dhampir Stalker_preview_rev_1.png

Cards will rotate splinter every week, Fire -> Water -> Earth -> Life -> Death -> Dragon -> Neutral. This week if you win you will receive one DHAMPIR STALKER.

⚔️ Last week's winner:

Screenshot 2022-05-25 at 16.07.36.png

I'm currently using this tool to randomly pick one comment to win the giveaway.

@luizeba was the lucky winner from last week's giveaway! I will send your reward right away!

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