Simplicity is Key to Hive’s Obscurity

I got this from task today in one of his posts. It elaborated on how Web 3 is becoming a threat to Web 2 as many Web 2 are now on each other's toes as of late.

Well, I think we’ll let Web 2 do their thing. At the same time, we’ve got to focus on something else. Because when it comes to Web 3, we can't say Hive is the only one competing for the Web 2 users. There are many others out there that have been in the news more often than Hive even if they don’t offer anything tangible like Hive does.

However, one thing is to say you can do something for all humanity, another is for humanity to know you exist.

Hive is deep in the waters of obscurity

Coupled with complexity when you dive in

created using canva

And as we all know, not many people have the zeal to understand complex stuff.

Take for example how many hive accounts are registered on the blockchain, then look at how many are still active and functioning up until today. If I were to look at it roughly (without looking at some stats by dalz) I'm sure hive accounts existing here on the blockchain would be up to a million if not more.

Then look at how many are still active today. How many do you think still post or engage with the blockchain? If I could recollect when Inleo started their campaign, it was said that hivers monthly users were around 11k. Deduct that from more than a million accounts and do the math. Thereafter, we should ask why are the figures so diminutive compared to registered users. It's also good to note that some have lost their keys, either due to carelessness or a private key hack.

Apart from that, I stand to believe that many have left their accounts dormant, just the fact that they don't have any idea on how to push through the inertia that many beginners are faced with when starting.

This is why it’s reasonable to point out that…

Complexity is Web 3

Simplicity is web 2

So now the question is how many would want to get involved with complexity when simplicity is at hand.

This is a topic that I bet many marketing and onboarding teams here on Hive have battled with times without numbers, but eventually gave up on the pursuit because they thought Hive couldn't be for everyone. Or that people don't just give a f*ck about the opportunity that Hive offers.

Some have even tried to make Hive more complex than it is, just to push people to the edge and test their limits.

You don't force complexity

Apparently, some people here think of themselves as the best of the best, and the only method they think they can use to attract others is by enforcing complexity. Some even do this unintentionally because that's who they are — inflexible and rigid, making it impossible for them to come down to a beginner's level and make something complex seem simple.

This approach always sounds off to many new fellas due to how they have been deep in the simplicity of the World Wide Web all their lives. And you can't blame them…

Simplicity is key

In terms of average users nowadays, many don't even know how to contain their attention or manage their schedule.

They just use it on whatever catches their attention. I can remember when I was still hooked on Web 2 highs, especially on TikTok. There are times I didn't intend to spend more than 10 minutes on TikTok, but before I know it, I've spent more than one or two hours still busy scrolling from one video to another. No matter who you are or where you're from, they've all got something to make you stay.

This is how Web 2 has been able to amass countless users because whenever you just wish to check something out, you keep on moving on to the next, then to the next, and on and on….

This isn’t about how users choose to spend their attention, but rather what can be used to get users hooked and keep their attention focused on you. Here on Hive, the only thing close to getting new users hooked and at the same time also offering simplicity is….

inleo threads

You can't make this shit up because the numbers speak for itself.

When you take a look at threads, there are now people who spend much of their time threading either for rewards or to engage with other users that they might not have been able to interact with on their blogs. Some do not even create anymore, but are still active and engaging on threads to help them stay active and interact with the blockchain.

This is the simplicity that can help counter Web 3’s complexity by bringing them in slow. Subsequently, some might get an idea or inspiration to help them create long-form content on the Hive blockchain. Which I believe is the end goal of why threads exist. We don't want you saying you can't write a 750-word blog post and then go off because of that.

Attention is something that users can decide on

But if we want to grab users' attention, we've got to make sure they just don't have a choice but to keep coming back, just like many who still hate TikTok are still going there once in a while to watch something that interests them. We can make threads and Hive more like TikTok in our way, but before we can do that we've got to get people who are bread and buttered with simplicity to find their juice somewhere before they are faced with complexity.

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