why we need purpose in life ?


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At present, a large number of young children are becoming addicted to mobile or computer . And through these you can stay active on social media all day long. Not only young children but also adults have become addicted to them. Especially during this corona. During this time, no one was able to get out of the house for a long time, so he kept in touch with social media and became addicted to it. And this is what everyone is worried about now. Because now we can't last a minute without these. As soon as we sit down to read, we read for 5 minutes and spend 10 minutes on Facebook. Today's mobile means games. Thousands of games. Parents are worried about how to get rid of it. But it is not possible. Because if we want to study online, we have to use these electronics devices. And with these, they will continue to be active in these games and social media.

But we don't think about how we benefit from being active all day on these social media. We can learn a lot from this even if we read books. You can also learn through YouTube. But how long will you watch some instructive things from YouTube. When we watch a video, then the video of our favorite song comes up in the side list, we spend time listening to that song without watching that instructive video. This is because we do not know what our purpose is. Our purpose is not on the right path. Let's have a little fun now when we know the school will have many more days off. This thing can be read tomorrow. Because we don't get interest to read books. But even if we don't understand the meaning of the song, we are more interested in it. We don't care about all this until a age . Because our father earns money, we don't worry about money, we don't worry about food. You can pass only study before the exam. And just because we have this purpose, we can't do anything in life. And when we try to get our purpose in the right direction, we waste a lot of time. If you want to achieve something in life, you have to decide the purpose of life first. And this is the purpose that will help you achieve your goal. We can't learn anything until we face a huge problem . Why do you study? There must be a big purpose for this. Until you can fix your purpose. Until then, you will not like to study. If you set a goal in life in advance and work hard to achieve it, nothing will stand in the way of your success.

Nothing can be done without purpose. Because you like to listing music . And this is your purpose. But what will you study for? There is no purpose to it. Get up in college first and then fix it. When college is over, we go to university and think that now we will fix our purpose. But even when that is over, we think about it We are willing to do any kind job . This is an example of a little purposeless life. The purpose should be fixed before college life and if you work that way you will get the job of your choice. and then finally you can achieve your goal .

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