How I coped with the crypto bear market? I Tuft it out!

So this was my first time tufting and it was a lot of fun! This is the gun I used to make my Youves/Tezos wall-hanging carpet coins:

If you're wondering what Tezos & Youves are, check out my previous post:

Check out the Tezos baking sheet for exciting news in the Tezos space.

The first step was to draw the design in reverse on the back of the canvas with the help of a projector:

Practicing how to use the gun (can you guess which one is the teacher's?):

You can see how it looks much better on the other side:

This part was definitely the most fun!

And I learned a new skill!

Now to give it a backing...

I love how it turned out!

Let's give them a trim...

Then spent about an hour and a half trimming edges with scissors. This is the final result:

I definitely encourage you to give tufting a try if you haven't done it yet. Also, the irony of making a rug for a DeFi project is not lost on me. Someone in the Discord actually asked to buy one but the merchandise shop doesn't stock rugs. Also, check out the Youves merchandise shop (you can pay with tez!):

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