Аn abandoned wooden palace

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21 07 2 0 2 4
Аn abandoned wooden palace

"Any trip is a holiday that will forever remain in your memory" — someone

Last weekend we decided to go on a short trip again. The travel point was in the east of the region. Endless forests
this is the calling card of our region. Wild places begin about 100 kilometers from our city.
There are a lot of wild animals there, such as moose, bears, wild boars, foxes...
One large businessman often went there to hunt. One day the huntsman showed him an old abandoned wooden house. The house was in a deplorable condition. The house made a strong impression on the businessman. Maybe he remembered his grandfathers, or maybe the beauty of the house influenced him. Perhaps he remembered the fairy tales that his grandmother told him - who knows. He bought land and an abandoned house. Five years passed and a miracle happened. There was news about the reconstruction of an abandoned wooden palace.

So we decided to see with our own eyes this miracle among the wild forests. We needed to cover 240 km on an asphalt highway and 30 km on a dirt road. So we set off early in the morning.
A couple of hours later we reached our goal. What can I say, the palace is really beautiful

We met there a lot of guests. People are booking rooms for stay. So bysiness is going well. The team is reconstructing a couple other houses near the palace

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Then we went to the city of Ch-a, which is 60 km from the wooden palace. Near the city there is a beautiful lake. It was very hot that day. We decided to cool off a bit in the lake
The population is not so numerous.

That,s all for today.
Stand by

Sincerely yours




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