Tiny Work

This one is staring at me so thought of adding it to the situation.

I am super tired but I still wanna write this otherwise this feeling that I wanted to write or store might be lost. What kind of madness? Heheh, I don't even know but this is what it is.

The thing is I am quite a lazy person but when there is no way left to ignore then I get super serious to finish without any dent. The same thing happened, I was postponing a task from my cousin but it was enough of running away and I had to sit with that. Trust me, it took me half of my day to complete, and it was stressful too, I had to do that task twice because of a misunderstanding. I was doing the task using an online service thinking that it would be free but after doing all of it I proceeded to export and it showed me a popup to pay first. I was like, "WTF, I searched for free services then how did I end up here, no way that I am going to pay for them."

Got angry, not disappointed, started to pick up as much as I could from the previous work to save some of my work, and started searching for some free services. Come on, I am not going to pay for someone else's work and that person itself is a miser. As I have put my hands in it I am not going to leave it unfinished, no way.

In between something funny happened, my cousin was informed that the work is almost done, just the final touch and when he knocked me after a few moments I just gave him the screenshot of that popup where it was asking me to pay to get the final file. He got shocked for a moment, didn't reply to me instantly, and later asked me about the whole thing. He was hesitating if I would ask him to pay for the service as I had gone through the whole thing, I assured him that I would find a free service and complete it again.

Well, it was done, the hassle I went through is beyond description. But one thing I realized was that I was postponing it thinking it was 10 minutes of work but when I started it took my whole day, I shouldn't have underestimated it. Come on, so much hassle for a tiny work, ops! It's no longer a tiny one.

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