Las niñas son mas tranquilas… decian🙊😂 || The girls are calmer... they said🙊😂.



Hola hola mamis y papis de la comunidad, es un gusto siempre volver por acá, y esta vez vengo a dar mi opinion mas amplia de un tema que tocó la amiga @miannis y es sobre si las niñas son o no son mas tranquilas que los niños!! Y aprovechando que tengo niña y niño, les daré mi opinion, por supuesto muy personal, cada niño es diferente jeje

Hello hello moms and dads of the community, it is always a pleasure to come back here, and this time I come to give my opinion more broadly on a topic that touched the friend @miannis and is about whether or not the girls are more quiet than boys!!! And taking advantage that I have a girl and a boy, I'll give you my opinion, of course very personal, every child is different hehe


Voy a resumir a mi hija en una sola palabra, TORBELLINO 😂😂 Ema es una niña completamente imparable, y yo creo que ya con esto dejo en claro de que si son o no mas terribles que los niños 😂 en mi caso 100% SI,. Y les estoy hablando de la Ema que está conmigo 24/7 no de la Emita linda y tierna cuando salimos, porque esa es otra cosa, tiene doble personalidad jajaja ella en casa es super inquieta, todo lo toca, todo lo quiere tocar, se altera con facilidad, pelea con su hermanito, grita, llora, y demas! Pero en la calle es TOTALMENTE DIFERENTE, y cuando le comentamos a quien sea, como es en casa, jamas nos creen😂

I will summarize my daughter in one word, TORBELLINO 😂😂 Ema is a completely unstoppable child, and I think that with this I make it clear that whether or not they are more terrible than children 😂 in my case 100% YES. And I'm talking about the Ema who is with me 24/7 not the cute and cuddly Emita when we go out, because that's another thing, she has a split personality hahaha at home she is super restless, she touches everything, she wants to touch everything, she gets upset easily, fights with her little brother, screams, cries, and so on! But in the street she is TOTALLY DIFFERENT, and when we tell anyone how she is at home, they never believe us😂.


Por supuesto esto es algo super positivo, porque sabemos que en la calle se sabe comportar, pero en casa arma el desastre, Y Chris era totalmente diferente, lo recuerdo muy tranquilo, ahorita es que quiere estar de cachorro, pero pequeño yo le decia esto es asi, y asi era, con Ema es una batalla, y eso que aun ni habla bien, no se imaginan las que me arma 😂🙊 cuando es no es no y ni que baje el mismisimo san Pedro ella cambia de opinion, por supuesto estos berrinches tratamos de manejarlos de la mejor manera, aunque no siempre se logra🙊

Of course this is something super positive, because we know that in the street he knows how to behave, but at home he makes a mess, And Chris was totally different, I remember him very calm, now he wants to be a puppy, but when he was little I told him this is how it is, and that's how it was, With Ema it is a battle, and even she doesn't speak well, you can't imagine what she makes me do 😂🙊 when it's no it's no and not even if Saint Peter himself comes down she changes her mind, of course these tantrums we try to handle them in the best way, although we don't always succeed🙊.



Entre Ema y Chris hay infinitas diferencias, pero el comportamiento es la mayor diferencia, yo creo que Ema escuchó desde mi barriga Yokoi Kenji jaja un conferencista colombiano que dice que su hijo menor es 10 veces mas inquieto, activo, y de todo, que el primero, no le teme a nada, y lo desafía incluso, asi es Ema 🥴 su conclusión a esto es que su hijo menor piensa "si a este no le hicieron nada, a mi tampoco" jajaja y yo estoy por convencerme que Ema escuchó esa conferencia porque es que me identifico demasiado

Between Ema and Chris there are infinite differences, but the behavior is the biggest difference, I think Ema listened from my belly Yokoi Kenji haha a Colombian lecturer who says that his youngest son is 10 times more restless, active, and everything, than the first one, he is not afraid of anything, and even challenges him, that's Ema 🥴 her conclusion to this is that her youngest son thinks "if they didn't do anything to him, they didn't do anything to me either" hahaha and I am about to convince myself that Ema listened to that lecture because I identify myself too much.


Yo solo espero que con el paso del tiempo, podamos ir manejando de mejor manera la situacion. Porque a veces como seres humanos que somos, perdemos el controlar y gritamos de mas, incluso hasta una que otra nalgada porque es que esta muchachita es candela pura y es lo que ella diga cuando ella diga, y como padres entenderan que no siempre se pueden complacer!! Pero bueno, creo que me extendí bastante para llegar a la conclusión de que mi Emita sin duda es mucho mas terrible que Chris😂😂 asi que les estaré contando mas adelante sobre sus travesuras, mientras tanto, deseenme suerte😂😂🥰 pero aun asi, es lo mas chiquito de mami y junto a su hermanito son el amor mas grande y puro que he sentido por alguien💞💞

I just hope that with the passage of time, we can manage the situation in a better way. Because sometimes as human beings that we are, we lose control and yell too much, even one or another spanking because this little girl is pure candela and it is what she says when she says it, and as parents you understand that you can not always please! But well, I think I extended enough to reach the conclusion that my Emita is certainly much more terrible than Chris😂😂😂 so I will be telling you later about her antics, meanwhile, wish me luck😂😂🥰 but still, she is the smallest of mommy and with her little brother are the biggest and purest love I have felt for someone💞💞💞


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