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LPUD appropriates beavioral equity



The Market is governed by supply/demand. The spontaneous price is informed by immediate supply/demand.

But wealth is much wider and deeper in connotation. The assets that we call wealth are always factored in with time & space. That is why how wealth evolves over a period of time determines the persistence of wealth.

When you say this company is already 20 years old, it immediately gives a subconscious impression that "oh it could be genuine, reputed", why?, because over 20 years period it has undergone the test of time. During that period it might have confronted so many challenges to develop resilience. It has undergone consolidation.

The same concept can be applied in staking/power-up.


Decentralization & Behavioural equity

Decentralization calls for devolution of power and dissolution of a central entity so that absolute ownership can be vested in the people and community, and that will create a congenial environment for equitable distribution of assets.

Mainstreaming of airdrop in the crypto ecosystem is also under the same fundamental assumption of equitable distribution of assets and giving the community the strength and power for decentralized governance. However, it does not decide or restrict the user's choice of staking or disposing.

Democracy essentially means vesting choice upon the people. However, that also implies the responsibility of the outcome is also borne by the individual.

If decentralization calls for devolution of power, community participation, and stake-based governance, it imposes a moral obligation for the individual to behave in a way that buttresses the decentralized ecosystem.

Therefore, behavioral equity becomes paramount to perpetuate decentralization.

In a decentralized ecosystem like Blockchain, whatever assets are being generated that should constantly create a new middle class, that new middle class is incorporated into the existing community so that some amount of dynamism is ensured in decentralization and that acts as a safety valve for a decentralized ecosystem.

Since decentralization creates the opportunity for even distribution of assets, it is incumbent upon the people to realize the responsibility of sustaining the decentralized ethos by staking the assets so that they become a part of the generational wealth for the individual.

For the community it ensures even distribution of assets, the assets being created by Blockchain if enter the market and are sold, make the individual lose their surplus value and hand over that value to someone who buys it. That is why staking should be a necessary enabling condition for a decentralized ecosystem.



Leo Power Up Day(15th of every month) which is a monthly recurring event in the Leo community, is also informed by the concept of generational wealth or generational equity. LPUD events might sound uneasy for many individuals (including me), but the short-term appetite should not come in the way of long-term goals.


What will happen if we do not rally around LPUD or give effect to LPUD?

First off, it will create an asymmetric template, if the surplus values created by the Blockchain go to market then market forces will enable someone else to acquire those surplus values, and on the premise of that, an asymmetric template of the stake will be formed, where the users of the community will be subjected to chance benevolence of other stakeholders/whales.

Put differently, in the long term, it creates an enabling condition of "n" number of whales.

Short-term pain leads to long-term gain--Charles F. Glassman

Second, it creates a sense of belongingness, that belongingness is qualified by fraternity. Our decentralized wallet is an integral part of our immutable home. So wallet should be powered up from time to time, or as and when we get an opportunity to do so, to strengthen our digital home.

From a different perspective, we can say strength respects strength. Stake power is that strength. So building it is our decentralized responsibility.


Today I powered up 50 LEO

Today I powered up 50 $LEO. It feels good, when we fulfill our decentralized obligation for the greater goal of the community. When we are ready to take the short-term discomfort we prepare a base to create generational wealth.

50 $LEO is a very small amount I know, but every single step no matter how tiny it is...counts, I am quite hopeful that I will get more opportunities to do so in the future, but at the least, I want to make a consistent effort to join the LPUD event every month.

Maybe when we retire we can gift this account to our kids and create a culture that motivates them to further consolidate the stake and hand over the key to the next the same way we handle our assets of family in the real world.



Without saving we can not become self-sufficient, similarly, without staking we can not sustain a decentralized ecosystem. Therefore, a truly sustainable model cannot discount the future. The future can be uncertain, but certain acts of staking every month(LPUD) lower the chances of uncertainty.


This is my participation for the Initiative: March Monthly Prompt

Check out the above post if you are keen to participate in a particular theme of the day.

Thank you.
