Some Money Mistakes To Avoid

Greetings to you Hivers!
I was having different thoughts of what to write when I woke up and I was able to come up with this, I'm sure you will find it helpful in some way.
Apart from the part that we came here to learn from others and also share our ideas with others, we're also here to make money for our present and future use. We make money in different ways everyday. But with all that, there are some mistakes we make with the money we earn and I am going to share some mistakes I could think of so we can avoid them.

Money Mistakes To Avoid.gif
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Spending Before Saving

You will agree with me that human wants are insatiable but when money to spend is not available, we naturally do without it. So one mistake to avoid is spending your earnings before saving. Do not think of saving what's left instead put your savings aside and spend what's left.

Quick Money Syndrome

I've noticed some people just want to get money from the rich so they don't have to work for it, they could do almost anything illegal to get the money. One mistake to avoid is that whenever you get a chance to meet a rich person who has worked hard to become rich, never go for his money first. Ask for ideas on how to make money and be your own boss.

No Investments

So many spend money without making investments and they end up becoming poor after a while of having much. To make more money, you have to spend money by planting your money as investment which will yield more money for rainy days.

Unsafe Future Savings

Yeah, we want to save money but we make the mistake of saving our money in an unsafe place. Where is an unsafe place? Within your reach. Avoid saving money for future use within your reach, you spend money that you see.

Unnecessary Spending

We make this mistake a lot, buying items we don't need but we try to convince ourselves that we need them. Avoid buying items you don't need and avoid spending all you earn or more than you earn, spend wisely.

Making money promises on a promise

I've seen a friend who promised his brother some amount of money because of some money he was expecting from a friend who also promised him. Maybe he trust his friend to give him the money at the set time but promising someone based on a promise from someone else is just wrong and a mistake we should avoid.

One more mistake I will like to add here is lending money you're not willing to loss, you should know that bad debts are real. Some debtors can be really frustrating to the extent you loss the money you lend to them.

There must be other mistakes to avoid, I will like to learn from you about any you might know of. Please drop your contribution at the comment section below.

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