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A Day Well Spent At A School's Sport Fiesta

I was going through my phone gallery with the mind that I've been at a sport activity before but can't remember when that was. I'm not one that loves sports, I can't even remember engaging in any growing up aside those drama plays and hide and seek games. I do mostly indoor games and maybe that had much to do with my introvert self growing up.


You can imagine me getting the chance to visit a school's sport fiesta with my aunt and her family, it became an activity I didn't want to miss out on and at the same time, one I was not sure I would have any fun attending.

To cut the long story short, it was fun from the preparation and even till the end of the program when we went back home as much as I could remember now. My four cousins were the stars of the day, getting them prepared for their fun day was as fun as it should. They couldn't stop being excited about their different roles to play on their big day.


I can still remember how well they practiced their roles at home awaiting the day, even the youngest among them who's only a year and few months old couldn't hide his excitement as he watch his elder ones get prepared in every way they could by themselves. The day came and we woke up much earlier than we usually would.

My aunt as the busy woman she is, was the first to get prepared and we helped her get her kids (my cousins) get prepared and off we went to the School in excitement.


I liked that we arrived early enough to witness all they had planned for their audience from the beginning to the end. I got to sit at a good spot and so I was able to get good captures from the event. There were so many activities that got me smiling and laughing, it was so fun that I felt I missed out not participating in sports during my time lol.

Parents of the children were all present, I could see the pride in their faces as they watch every of their kids come out in participation of one activity after another. From parade displays to dance to dramas to fun games, the kids were fully engaged and parents kept applauding them.



There was my favourite and most amazing part of the event, their dance display. Maybe it's because one of my cousin participated among them or maybe it's because they did really great in their dance presentation, one sure thing was that the audience loved every bit of it. From ballet dance to cultural dance, the children showed their talent and love for dance.

There were games that involved a few parents and their kids participating in it, it was fun too and I like that the program involved the parents too to spice up the event, and amazing that the parents agreed to do it.



One funny activity they did that got everyone laughing was the food game. They made some of the students to prepare a meal to find who prepared the best meals among them. My aunt was one of the tasters representing the parents and we couldn't stop laughing when she said she almost puke from one of the meals she tasted.

All the tasters pointed the red jersey student as the best cook as her meal was more delicious and followed all the rules of cooking they gave her. The little ones were not left out, they were made to play "Fill the can" game, it was also fun to watch them do their thing.

In all, the event made me realize how fun sport can be and even more fun to watch kids play at their best while showing off amazing skills. It has happened a long time ago but I'm glad I have the pictures saved to playback whenever and now, I wouldn't hold back if I'm invited to such an event again.

This is my entry to the Inleo prompt challenge with a focus on "Games, Sports, Cards collection, Sport wears" and you are invited to participate too.

All images used are mine.