MEME:LOLZ Liquidity Pool Weekly Update (04/25/2022)

This is the first weekly report for the MEME:LOLZ distribution pool (

Today @memehive added 150,000 MEME to the MEME:LOLZ distribution pool.


Starting next week @memehive will be adding 1000 MEME to the MEME:LOLZ distribution pool each week.

Remember: There is an hourly lottery for MEME:LOLZ liquidity providers. Each hour the mining contract mints 500 new MEME tokens and sends them all to that round's winner. Each share in the MEME:LOLZ pool is like a lottery ticket. The more shares in the pool you have the greater the chance of winning in any given round.

The MEME:LOLZ pool is brand new and since there isn't much liquidity yet it only takes a few dollars worth of LOLZ and MEME to statistically win at least one of the hourly MEME lotteries each day. See the recent post by @imno as an example. So far @imno has won an average of one lottery each day with only around $2.60 liquidity in the MEME:LOLZ pool.

LOLZ and MEME can be purchased through or earned through content creation and curation on the Hive platform (

Meme modified from Batman (1966) image

Current statistics of MEME:LOLZ at the time of this writing:

Average APR: 35.359%

Price of tokens in MEME:LOLZ pool

  • MEME: $0.00025
  • LOLZ: $0.03206

0.00647287 LOLZ/MEME
0.04100001 MEME/LOLZ

Total pool liquidity

  • 97,011.667 MEME
  • 627.944 LOLZ

$44.199 (up from $0.000 last week)

MEME:LOLZ pool volume

  • 8,319.359 MEME
  • 59.371 LOLZ

$4.002 (up from $0.000 last week)

Distribution balances of all tokens in the MEME:LOLZ pool

  • 249822.2577 MEME
  • 598.93352336 LOLZ
  • 99.82225424 HIQS
  • 52356.7761 PAY
  • 20868.84038439 NFTM
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