Splinterlands - Investing In Guild

I have been with my current guild for more than a year and today I talk about my participation and feelings about being in a guild.

I will cut to the chase talk about my guild experience and some inner workings of my guild. However I hope to not disclose anything that would compromise my guild. Without further a due my current guild is Team Possible Power. Team Possible has multiple guilds but the one I am currently in is ranked 41st overall.

There are currently 24 members in the guild and I have been a member for more than a year. The guild's hall is level 8 and that is all I will say about leveling within my guild.

On a more general note each guild has several types of buildings to upgrade in order to expand memberships to others and provide higher rewards/benefits for its members. For instance guild hall at higher levels allow more members to join guild. While there is also Lodge, Arena, Barracks, and Store that require upgrade for benefits and increase rewards for guild members.

Quick Overview of Guild Buildings

Lodge earns guild members more % SPS per rank battle win depending on high the level. Arena is where guild's host their brawls. The higher the arena the higher tier of brawl the guild participates which in turn for more wins the more rewards. Barracks allow for use of assistance in brawls for the guild and the higher the Barrack level the more options the guild has to select and have assistance in brawls. Finally store is where guild members can purchase more assets that can benefit their brawl participation.

Guild Fees

The only way to raise the guild level it is with the use of burning DEC. The higher the level the more DEC is needed to raise one level. Therefore as a member of a top guild I am required to pay a fee to be a member of the guild.

Currently my guild's fee is per a season at 1750 DEC. There is no penalty if payment is delayed within a reasonable period and another requirement is to partake in a brawl at least once a month. Due to the brawl limited in member participants we have more members in the guild than all of us be able to partake in all brawls. Therefore we share the brawl opportunities to distribute participation fairly to all guild members.

My guild's brawl real average is around top three finish. With that each guild member that participates in the brawl earns around 3500 Merits. So if I can participate in two brawls I can be able to buy at least three Gladius Cases.

On a whole for a little over a year I have earn a little more than 24k DEC in burn rate on my Gladius Cases.

In addition the benefit of being in the guild is my SPS earnings from rank battles. I don't really earn a lot of SPS as I am playing in Silver league but would be more if higher in Gold I and up.

Overall for the past 8 days of November I have currently earned approximately +$3 in rewards from a combination of SPS, Merits, cards, and potions.

A quick calculation for the Guild fee, 1750 DEC:

1,750 x $0.00084 = $1.47

This means within around 4 days of being with my guild I earn back my season fee.


Overall I have enjoyed my time being apart of a guild and wish to continue. From glance over my info you can see the more you put into the game the more you will earn. For instance to partake in a higher level guild you need to pay fees to stay in. Meanwhile if I perform better in my rank battles and brawls I earn more. As a whole I would have better chances of earning more by investing in my guild and in my deck.

How have you been doing in the game and are you apart of a guild? If so are you happy with your guild?

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

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I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

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If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!


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