My Entry to the POBPhotoContest - Nature || Naturaleza [ENG/ESP]

“Fresh air is as good for the mind as for the body. Nature always seems trying to talk to us as if she had some great secret to tell. And so she has.”

John Lubbock

Nature || Naturaleza

Nature is everything that has not been created, intervened or modified by human beings. It includes all physical phenomena, inert matter, and evidently, all forms of life, such as animals, plants, or even ourselves, and can be as small as microscopic beings, or as large as galaxies in the infinite universe.

In previous posts I have described that I usually go regularly to a park located a short distance from my home, for different reasons, among which stand out the intimate contact with nature, something that today is essential for me and surely for many; but I also usually visit this place because it offers me very photogenic scenarios that I like to immortalize in images captured by the lenses of my cell phone.

These photographs belonging to my personal archive, were taken recently on one of the occasions that I visited the park, which I walk to because of its proximity to the apartment where I live.

La naturaleza es todo aquello que no sido creado, intervenido o modificado por el ser humano. Comprende todos los fenómenos físicos, materia inerte, y evidentemente, todas las formas de vida, tales como animales, plantas, o incluso, a nosotros mismos, y puede ser tan pequeño como los seres microscópicos, o tan grandes como las galaxias en el universo infinito.

En posts anteriores he descrito que acostumbro acudir con cierta regularidad a un parque ubicado a muy corta distancia de mi hogar, por diferentes razones, entre las que destacan el contacto íntimo con la naturaleza, algo que hoy en día es inprescindible para mí y seguramente para muchos; pero también suelo visitar este lugar porque me brinda escenarios muy fotogénicos que me gusta inmortalizar en imágenes captadas por los lentes de mi teléfono móvil.

Estas fotografías pertenecientes a mi archivo personal, las tomé recientemente en una de las ocasiones que visité el parque, al cual me dirijo caminando por su proximidad al apartamento donde vivo.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the #POBPhotoContest challenge. This is an initiative of @friendlymoose. I hope you enjoy it.

Esta es mi participación para el desafío #POBPhotoContest. Esta es una iniciativa de @friendlymoose. Espero que lo disfruten.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 12-02-2024

Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando


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