Splinterlands Journey Continued - Team PH has begun!

It has been a while since my last post, primarily trying to adapt to so many new changes that Splinterlands has created, from in game functionality, the various opportunities of investment and growth, Asset volatility whilst through a bear market and the accumulation phase to restore the competitive advantage.


So as you are aware, we have a community here in Calbayog City, spearheaded by @lvluplife, @mangomayhem and @mernmin, in which our mission statement was quite apparent, that we would create opportunities for Filipinos through accumulating assets and having them played by our local demographic. This is still the case, and to be honest it is going very well for both parties however, the thought process of expansion and growth is the only way forward. Why help just the local demographic.


Last year, I took a trip to Manila and had the pleasure of meeting @xacex. He had so much passion and drive to make Philippines unified in the Web3 space, it is apparent that Filipinos are very skilled in games, however do not hold the assets, therefore fall short, the rental market is now extortionate and some of our players are unable to rent the required cards. We made a decision to change this. We created Team PH. @xAcex would lead the project, reaching out to the very best Filipino players that had been identified and created opportunities while I would provide the assets and financial backing for the organization. Our First project was Zensports, in which we had been very successful. We, as Team PH had also been thinking of growth and expansion and ways to counter all the changes.


It seemed like a perfect time to unite the 2 forces through affiliation, which is currently in the final stages of completion and will become a reality. Calbayog Splinterlands PH holds a variety of assets including Validator Nodes, Liquidity Pool and a wide range of Cards, whilst Team PH is known through SPL for our players, boasting a large community fan base, various influencers and in game competitiveness and drive. What a perfect combination. My thought process has always been, why extract the value from the Philippines, our collective end goal should be to bring it back to the motherland, standing as one.


We will be releasing a token called Team PH, which will be readily available for purchase by everyone on Tribaldex, the difference being, the utilization of the token will be for Filipinos only. We are aiming to have decks readily available for Filipino Token holders, which will eradicate or at least reduce the cost of rent for our community. There are other advantages to becoming a token holder, however I will release them when everything has been set in stone. Lets put it like this, we will extract as much value and give back to the community in one way or another.

Splinterfest may be held in the PH next year, I am sure many are excited, let us prepare for the imminent future, it is our time to shine and dominate on a fair playing field, and with an affiliation between 2 entities representing ONE Philippines, this will be made possible.


I want to share with you all something very close to my heart. You maybe aware that I created a business here in the Philippines called Mango (Hence @mangomayhem), there is various meanings for this, not only is it a combination of my two family names, it is in representation of the fruits of thy labor. With good roots (upbringing and culture), the tree may grow strong and bear fruit, but we can only hope that our fruit is sweet, rather than sour. If you get the hidden meaning, regardless of support mechanisms, it is still down to the individuals choice. I hope you all chose wisely.

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