Leofinance | Building the next-gen web3 platform



Hi Lions,

No doubt that though there are a good number of active tribes or communities on the hive platform on various niches, Leo has been able to become one of the top tribes among them in this eco space with thousands of active members. Leofinance is a well-known project not only within hive blockchain but also gaining momentum beyond and becoming the talk of the town on other social media platforms as well. Leofinance is an alive and energetic community that is purely focused on educating its users about finance, money, and crypto and making them learn and understand with a number of blog posts published by professional and amateur writers. On hive, leofinance.io is a front-end where everyone can read and write finance-related articles and also engage with others via comments or threads (micro-content) and their goal is to make a sustainable web 3.0 ecosystem infrastructure. But unlike any other blogging or social media platform where the content creators or influencers merely get rewarded for their effort, on leofinance they get contributed for their hard work and earn cryptocurrencies (Hive, HBD, and Leo) for their content, be it long or short form posts and even comments based on their quality, user engagement and followers. It is a decentralized project where no central authority i.e, founders and moderators of this tribe controls the money flow and reward system, instead anyone who has staked a certain amount of Leo tokens in their account gets the freedom to vote on others' contents and reward the content creators he or she likes. But leofinance.io is only the surface of the Leo universe as there are so much more like its own decentralized exchange, live stats, bridges and pools, and whatnot. Basically what they are doing is bringing everything we do in crypto and even more under one roof which is a bit futuristic to me.


With their recent launch of Leothreads, a micro social media platform resembling Twitter where you can share your thoughts, feeling, ideas, or just anything under 240 characters and get rewarded with Leo and Hive if others like your content and vote on it. Along with the Leothreads, they also launched a brand new User Interface which is much more simplistic and easy to use while much more tools and perks added than before. During the month-long adoption campaign to celebrate these new updates, Leofinance has onboarded a lot of new users but it didn't stop as even after the end of the campaign, new users are joining and engaging with this amazing platform every day and I am pretty much positive that within next 1 or 2 years, we will experience a huge amount of traffic and mass adoption in this platform. It’s unbelievable for any new user while using the platform to feel that the new UI was created just about 1.5 months earlier, because thanks to the woke Dev team, the platform is almost flawless with negligible glitches or errors and gives you a fast and smooth experience that while using you won't keep a track of time. It becomes even more addictive when you start interacting and see getting rewarded for your valuable contribution whereas we spent millions of minutes on web2 social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others without getting paid a single dime. Getting paid for what you love to do is like a dream not only to me but most of you and Leofinance is certainly making this dream come true.




For those who are thinking I am exaggerating about Leofinance, please allow me to open your eyes with some real-life examples. Above I have shared 3 of my recent Threads or micro contents that I posted on Leofinance look at the rewards for yourself! In the first one which is a contest by @onealpha.leo, I got lucky to find it first and replied and got rewarded with s whopping 2.55$ money as rewards (including Hive and Leo token rewards). Okay, this was a contest but how about the rest 2 where I just posted a normie thread (Twitter users read tweets) about the current price chart of sharing one of my NFTs and was rewarded decently even for throwing just some meaningful words away! Yes, it is that easy and normal and no rocket science here, just post, thread, engage with others, make friends, and build a follower base, and voila. you are already earning a few bucks every day in the process! If this doesn't interest you, I don't what else will!


Despite a long ongoing bear market, the Leo token is performing exceptionally, especially after they launched these 2 major updates back to back and I first-hand experience it goes blown up from 0.05$ to the current price of 0.087$ per unit. If you look at the price chart of Leo that I shared above, it is visible that since the last month, it has experienced exponential growth because of the campaign where not only old Leo users, but new onboarded users also purchased and powered up huge amounts of Leo tokens into their staked account. This staked Leo gives you curation power which reflects the USD value of your vote and the more Leo you stake, the more valuable your vote will be when curating other content. Not only do you earn 50% of the voting value back but it also helps you to build an influence and respect in the community. As I am an old user on both Hive and Leofinance, I also watched how much people love to hold their Leo tokens, and if you see the buy-sell wall on the market, most of the time you will be seeing a thin cell wall competing against a high buy wall which simply reflects the demand for this token. During the campaign, I also bought powered up over 8000 Leo at around 0.055$ per unit and clearly, I am already sitting with a good profit on my Leo holding but there’s no way I am even thinking a little bit to sell them because I have a strong belief that they are going to get appreciated way more than here. On a short-term vision, I think Leo's price will easily cross 0.25$ within the next 2-4 quarters, and talking about the long-term, like many Leo lovers, I also strongly believe that Leo will touch 1$ within the next couple of years.

I believe in the Leofinance team and of course, their hard work is very visible, unlike most of the crypto-based projects out there only launching their tokens and luring people to invest with baseless speculations or offers, Leofinance is adding value to the web3 space and changing our lives in a better way. So, I will just stay calm and keep accumulating this priceless gem, what about you?

I hope you like reading my post and if my work has helped you even a little bit or you are the first time to hear about Leofinance, I will be very happy to know! Please let me know your thoughts and feelings in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Join Leofinance for free - https://leofinance.io

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