The GHAWG Diaries, Part 20

The GHAWG Diaries, Part 20

What's happening behind the scenes to bring new GHAWG content? The GHAWG Diaries is my recap of what I've been doing.

Base image came in another form from PublicDomainPictures.Net. Edits made using MS Paint.


There's more to #GHAWG than just daily zapfic entries and the spreadsheet I use to track them. There's research. There's review. There's also thought and inspiration. Then there are the tools involved in doing any of those tasks.

Just to keep things from getting scrambled in my head, and also to document for myself what I've been considering, I began keeping a diary of my activities as they concern #GHAWG. With posts in the GHAWG, Uninterrupted series on hold at Interlude 3 while Act 7 remains in progress, I decided to share these diary entries with everyone on Hive blockchain.

On Mondays which don't feature a GHAWG, Uninterrupted post-- GHAWG-U-- I'll post diary entries from the previous 7 days or between GHAWG-U posts if the time between them is short. For Part 20, there are 14 days' worth of diary entries. The first entry starts on 2024-March-04.

Before anyone scratches their heads at a few terms, here are 3 I began using many posts ago:

Rat BikeCode name for #GHAWG (the first and current zapfic serial)
Blue LionCode name for the middle zapfic serial in the GHAWG Universe
The BronzeCode name for the final zapfic serial in the GHAWG Universe

Monday, 2024-March-04
📓 Today I publihsed the 19th edition of The GHAWG Diaries. There wasn't much activity on the GHAWG front during the time period covered, so there wasn't much to report in there. I have to accept that there will be times like that, so I need to focus on making the 20th edition reflect a more productive time period. Tomorrow I publish the Weekly Summary post as per the accelerated posting schedule (once every 6 days). That means the following Weekly Summary post will be published on Monday 2024-March-11, and that means the 20th edition of The GHAWG Diaries will cover 2 weeks instead ofthe expected 1 week.

Tuesday, 2024-March-05
📓 The Weekly Summary posts have been sneaking up on me in recent weeks. I'm used to publishing them on Saturdays, but the accelerated posting schedule-- once every 6 days instead of once every 7 days-- has been throwing me off and catching me by surprise. The time is coming when the Weekly Summaries will be in synch with the daily posting of zapfic entries for Rat Bike. Maybe then I won't get caught by surprise anymore after resuming the Saturday publishing schedule.
Wednesday, 2024-March-06
📓 Today is the 1st anniversary of the zapfic entry which I consider the first one for GHAWG. Technically, I published to LeoThreads the first zapfic entry on 2023-March-05, but the 2nd zapfic entry is what I should have written in the first place. I swapped these 2 entries in order of importance and made the entry for 2023-March-06 the leading entry of GHAWG (what would later come to be Rat Bike in terms of the expanding GHAWG Universe). Since today is the 1st anniversary of GHAWG, I wanted to mark the occasion with a retrospective post showing how GHAWG came to be and evolved during the course of these last 366 days. In this post I also included my vision for The GHAWG Universe by briefly touching upon both the 2nd zapfic serial (code-named Blue Lion) and the 3rd zapfic serial (code-named The Bronze)

Thursday, 2024-March-07
📓 It's been a while, but I extended the zapfic queue into 2024-April-10. These entries featured both the "fashion upgrade" to be done in transit via drone and mobile app as well as an explanation for why the upgrade was made.

One factor underpinning these zapfic entries was giving Lindsay Etxeberria her moment in in the sun. Until then, she was the only member of Our Heroes who didn't have a safety yellow vest needed for riding through Portland, Oregon, US at night. Not only had she not been part of Our Heroes at that moment, but she was also an antagonist in position to kill the ride along with the rest of her black bloc-clad cadre of far-left activists. Also until this moment in New Mexico, she was the only member of Our Heroes who wasn't riding a motorcycle; when she opted to continue riding with Sanjay Rampersad, Rhonda Bella Guardia resumed riding the Victory motorcycle she had gifted her. Now that she belonged to Felix Legion, she felt she belonged to a group in a way unlike the way she belonged to previous groups. Belonging to Felix Legion turned out to be a milestone in the rehabilitation of her life and being.

Friday, 2024-March-08
📓 Friday my errands took me through 2 neighborhoods on a beautiful and warm day. Before I reached the final destination for my errands, I had been listening to one version of Wonder Woman's theme. This was to get my mind focused on finding a scenario where Rhonda Bella Guardia can be the focus of a few zapfic entries. In at least one of those zapfic entries, her arc will dovetail with that of Sanjay Rampersad and the trouble he's having with Lindsay Etxeberria.

On the way home I switched from the Wonder Woman theme to the "unofficial" version of "Route 66" by Depeche Mode. This was to get me back in a GHAWG frame of mind. With less than a month's worth of zapfic entries in the queue, I'm running out of runway very quickly. Thanks to the breakthrough I reached regarding the upcoming "fashion upgrade" to take place east of Albuquerque, New Mexico, US, I should be able to get enough entries added into the queue to bring me into April 2024.

Saturday, 2024-March-09
📓 GHAWGnav was out of date by a month, so I brought it up to date.

📓 Each character in GHAWG-- even the "non-playing characters" or the extras-- has a personality. This personality can be displayed in many ways. One way is for some thing to act as a proxy for their personalities. For example, the choice of a automobile with a stick shift instead of the standard ICE cars with automatic transmission can reflect the personality of a character in relation to the others. The choice of cryptocurrency can also serve as a proxy for a character's personality.

Another such proxy is the choice of motorcycle used. What motorcycles are used by Our Heroes? Let's see:
  • Harry Hoqualogue is Harley-Davidson through-and-through; he's a Harley guy until the day he dies.
  • David Guardia is also a Harley guy, although he appreciates the virtues of well-engineered Honda motorcycles.
  • Rhonda Bella Guardia is a Victory gal; in relation to Harleys or even Indian motorcycles, few Victorys are in use, which makes each Victory speacial.
  • Hank Marchenko is a cutting-edge gearhead, so he goes through motorcycles like some people go through pairs of socks.
  • Frank Marchenko, while also a cutting-edge gearhead like his twin brother Hank, is a Honda guy with affinity toward Yamaha as well.
  • Sanjay Rampersad of India is partial to Triumph motorcycles from the UK.
  • Lionel Odunsi of Nigeria is partial to another UK brand of motorcycle: Royal Enfield.
  • Lindsay Etxeberria, despite being part of Our Heroes, isn't known as a motorcycle rider. However, her kind of motorcycle is a Suzuki 650 Dual Sport since it's best suited to her frame and height.
  • The uncanny Manny Rey was seen riding a Honda motorcycle in worse condition than the Honda rat bike David had been riding during his days as a motorcycle courier.

While motorcycles as proxies for personalities isn't 100%, it's a good enough proxy for us to gain insight into the kwhat kind of people we're dealing with in The GHAWG Universe.

Sunday, 2024-March-10
📓 The way the last few weeks have been going for me, I know I was going to have trouble getting posts published during the day they were due. For that reason I worked on the Weekly Summary post due tomorrow today. As soon as Sunday gives way to Monday, I hit the PUBLISH button to publish this post. When I published the Weekly Summay posts once a week on Saturdays, I was out of synch with the daily zspfic serial by 2 months. As of now, that gap has been cut to 1 month. I expect the Weekly Summaries to be in synch with the zapfic serial by late March or early April.

Monday, 2024-March-11
📓 Currently Our Heroes are in Lupton, Arizona, a short distance from New Mexico. What should have been just one zapfic entry mentioning Lupton turned int a series of entries which evolved into what I call "Cryptocurrency 101": Lindsay Etxeberria gets to learn various things about cryprocurrency from everyone else. To top it all off, Cryptocurrency 101 presented an opportunity to mention not just HBD but also decentralized social media on Hive blockchain. When the Weekly Summary post arives which includes these entriies, Cryptocurrency 101 will be presented in its entirety. I'll handle Cryptocurrency 101 the same way I handled The Newlyweds.

Tuesday, 2024-March-12
📓 With GHAWG turning 1 year old, it's a wonder that many events in the daily zapfic serial took place. Later in 2023 I was able to determine that GHAWG-- now known as the first zapfic serial code-named Rat Bike-- began during the year 2026. I was also able to determine that David Guardia was able to attend the annual motorcycle rally at STURGIS in August 2028. So much has happened since then that it's time again to determine calendar dates for the rest of events taking place in the serial.

Among the events whose dates I need to determine are these:
  • Prophesying to Seattle city officials
  • The slow ride through Portland
  • Encountering the bear at night
  • David speaking in tongues to the homeless at Venice Beach
  • That life-changing day in Riverside, California, US
  • The start of the honeymoon for David and Rhonda Bella Guardia
  • The start of the Old Route 66 portion of David's Epic Ride

Once I get this calendar populated with dates, I'll publish this as a GHAWG Behind the Scenes post.

Wednesday, 2024-March-13
📓 The upcoming Weekly Summary post is scheudled for Saint Patrick's Day, which this year falls on Sunday 2024-March-17. This means that the next one falls on Saturday 2024-March-23. That means that both Weekly Summary posts and daily zapfic entries will be synchronized for Saturday 2024-March-30. for that reason, it will be more important then than it had been until now for me to have the zapfic entry queue filled months in advance. I can always discard entries from the queue to replace them with more timely entries; I can't do that when the queue is empty. It's one thing if I can't post a daily entry because of offline events beyond my control, or if tech woes keep me at bay. It's another thing if I go days without posting a zapfic entry because I'm drawing a blank.

Thursday, 2024-March-14
📓 It was time to get back to adding to the zapfic queue. It was also time to see what the rest of Old Route 66 looked like for the rest of the New Mexico postion of the ride east. So far, Old Route 66 has been more or less sharing space with Interstate 40. Will this remain the case as I move the story out of New Mexico and into the Texas Panhandle as well as to the main body of the state of Oklahoma? Will I be able to include elements I was considering for the various characters (especially Rhonda Bella Guardia, Sanjay Rampersad, and Lindsay Etxeberria)? Although I know I have distance to cover in New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois, it feels as if I'm running our of runway very quickly. I'll get it figured out somehow.

Friday, 2024-March-15
📓 I added a few entries to the zapfic queue, enough to get me to 2024-April-15. I also decided to adjust the riding parameters used by Our Heroes. When the numbers were large-- as they were after leaving STURGIS to head to San Diego, California, US, it made sense to limit riding to more or less 60 miles a day. Now that Our Heroes number 7, I thought it was time for them to cover more distance each day. For this reason-- beginning with the introduction of Our Heroes as FELIX LEGION on 2024-April-02-- the average daily distance covered has been reset to 120 miles. How this change affects the story, I can't say one way or another. We shall see.

Saturday, 2024-March-16
📓 The Weekly Summary post is due tomorrow based on the accelerated posting schedule I've been using-- once every 6 days rather than once a week on Saturdays-- so I decided to work on it tonight. Basic content is in place, so Sunday I'll work on adding backlinks to earlier zapfic entries as well as the cover image for the post.

Sunday, 2024-March-17
📓 Today I published the Weekly Summary post on the accelerated posting schedule. Given the number of zapfic entries written for subplot I call "Cryptocurrency 101," the next Weekly Summary post will be the final one I publish using the accelerated posting schedule. By the time the Weekly Summaries are in synch with the daily zapfic entries, Our Heroes will have entered the New Mexico portion of their ride east along Old Route 66. So in early April I can introduce a new element into the zapfic serial. It's just another way of identifying Our Heroes. Given their reduced numbers, I thought it was time to refer to them by another name. Although I may still refer to them as Our Heroes, as of 2024-April-02 they will be known also as FELIX LEGION.

When (and Where) To Catch #GHAWG


This is the normal schedule for the posting of content for #GHAWG:
● Daily -- Each zapfic entry is posted shortly after midnight, from New York
● Weekends -- Weekly Summaries (with modified screen capture from LeoThreads as cover image) are usually on Saturday, sometimes Sunday
● Monday -- Either GHAWG, Uninterrupted if present, or The GHAWG Diaries
● Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday -- GHAWG Behind the Scenes -- The goal is to publish these posts on all days not dedicated to the Weekly Sumamry, GHAWH-U, or The GHAWG Diaries (TGD). There may be days with no post, so I'll minimize those occasions as best as I can.

(Plese note that the Weekly Summary posts will be posted on an accelerated schedule-- every 6 days rather than every Saturday-- in order to bring those posts in synch with the daily zapfic entries. Synchronization should be finished by Spring 2024.)


● Daily zapfic entries drop at LeoThreads, usually posted shortly after midnight from New York (sometimes around noon)
● All long form posts-- Weekly Summaries, GHAWG-U, and TGD-- can be accessed using the #GHAWGnav sticky post or from my LeoFinance profile page

That's it for this edition of The GHAWG Diaries. I'm @magnacarta (graphic-signature made by @ahmadmanga)[!!]
Thanks for your time. Give the post an upvote or a reblog if you liked it. Feedback is welcome. Until next time!

[!!] -- Graphic signature was designed by @ahmadmanga

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