GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 436-442

GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 436-442

Read the Zapfic serial #GHAWG on LeoThreads to follow the transformation of a courier into a Harley-riding tool of God.


Cover image is a screen capture of LeoThreads edited with MS Paint



● What is GHAWG?

● Zapfic Entries 436-442

    4️⃣3️⃣6️⃣ 2024-April-28 00:15:09 (Act 6 near entry 267)

    4️⃣3️⃣7️⃣ 2024-April-29 00:18:21 (Act 6 near entry 267)

    4️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ 2024-April-30 00:05:45 (Act 6 near entry 270)

    4️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ 2024-May-01 00:34:36 (Act 6 near entry 270)

    4️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ 2024-May-02 00:38:54 (Act 6 near entry 280)

    4️⃣4️⃣1️⃣ 2024-May-03 00:16:36 (Act 6 near entry 280)

    4️⃣4️⃣2️⃣ 2024-May-04 00:32:12 (Act 6 near entry 282)

0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣

What Is GHAWG?

#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and business owner from Bayonne, New Jersey, US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.

More details can be found in the first post of this weekly recap.


Zapfic Entries 436-442

4️⃣ 3️⃣ 6️⃣ 2024-April-28 00:15:09 (Act 6 near entry 267)

"Manny Rey was my first riding companion," I told Lindsay. "He did something similar. He was an uncanny guy when I met him. During my recovery from that near-fatal explosion, I learned who he really was: a watchful guardian."
🏍️ David Guardia begins telling Lindsay Etxeberria in greater detail about uncanny Manny Rey. He made sure to describe him as "uncanny" because there was something extra-special about him, almost as is he were one of The Uncanny X-Men-- with all the movies made, we need to remember that in the comic books they weren't just "The X-Men": they were "The Uncanny X-Men"-- but he couldn't place what it was. This zapfic entry as aslo the perfect place to remind readers what GHAWG means.

4️⃣3️⃣7️⃣ 2024-April-29 00:18:21 (Act 6 near entry 267)

Although Lindsay knew a few details of my ride before the near-fatal explosion in Le Claire, I took time to tell her about the ride starting from my departure from Bayonne. "Now things make more sense to me about you," she said.
🏍️ Just as David Guardia knew there was something "different" about the uncany Many Rey, Lindsay Etxeberria knew there was something different about David. What she didn't know was that before he embarked on his Epic Ride he was just some guy from New Jersey: not Frank Sinatra, not Bruce Springsteen, not Jon Bon Jovi, not even actor Jason Alexander; just some guy.

4️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ 2024-April-30 00:05:45 (Act 6 near entry 270)

"You spoke truth."

"That was the idea," I said. "Who are you?"

"Jardani Roma; friends call me Don."

"You're Roma from Belarus, yes, Jardani?"

"Call me Don. Yes."

"OK, Don. I'm David Guardia. What will you do after I leave?"
🏍️ I wasn't sure what background to give the new character, but he needed to be someone from a historically down background. (If people want to use the "oppressed versus oppressor" paradigm, so be it; that wasn't my intention). For something else I was doing in 2020/2021, I had chosen the name Jardani Roma for an example. Then I was hearing in my head a conversation between him and Neo (Keanu Reeves) in Zion. In the 3rd movie of his lastest franchise, John Wick, Chapter 3: Parabellum, it's revealed that "John Wick" (Reeves) was born Jardani Jovonovich. For people of earlier generations, a more familiar name for Roma is Gypsy, and the Roma were ethnic minorities no matter where we found them. For those reasons, I named the newest character in The GHAWG Universe Jardani Roma.

4️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ 2024-May-01 00:34:36 (Act 6 near entry 270)

"Where are you going?" asked Don. "Riverside, to drop off Lindsay over there at Harvest Christian Fellowship."

"Can you take me there, David?"

"I can do, Don," I said, without even blinking. Rhonda saw Don mount my trike.
🏍️ If the conversational style is a bit off between this zapfic entry and the previous one, that's purely accidental. It's a side-effect of dealing with the zapfic format.

🏍️ How did Jardani Roma come to find himself as a homeless person in Venice Beach? It's as much a mystery to me as it is to you, my fellow readers. I've decided to make him the same age (more or less) as Lindsay Etxeberria, so now I need to flesh out his life and personal history.

4️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ 2024-May-02 00:38:54 (Act 6 near entry 280)

When I asked Harry to be my best man, his warm bearhug nearly killed me. Lindsay asked Rhonda if she could be her maid of honor; she nodded Yes. Don noticed Rhonda looking around; "May I have the honor of giving away the bride?"
🏍️ From the way Harry Hoqualogue reacted to being asked to be the best man, I'm guessing he hasn't done this sort of thing often (if at all). Although David Guardia has more options for his selection of best man, only one comes close to him in both life experience and in affinity; oddly enough, it's the man who was ready to kill him at STURGIS. In theory, any woman present could have been chosen to be Rhonda Bella's maid of honor. But only one woman present has history with Rhonda, and that's Lindsay Etxeberria. As to the person to give away the bride? All likle candidates for this honor were accounted for: David is the groom, Harry is the best man, and The Pastor is the celebrant. The Kids are too young, but the Brothers Marchenko seemed like ciphers for this task. Into the breach came Jardani "Don" Roma.

4️⃣4️⃣1️⃣ 2024-May-03 00:16:36 (Act 6 near entry 280)

Without blinking, Rhonda told Don he could give her away. Then she asked who he was. "Don Roma, miss. David's speech at Venice Beach moved me enough to want to come here."

"I'm Rhonda. Thank you so much!" She hugged him warmly.
🏍️ That's 2 times Jardani Roma asks for something and it's done for him without the person he asked blinking. Earlier he had asked David Guardia to take him to Riverside. Now he asked Rhonda Bella if he could be the one to give away the bride (her). He may not be exercising some sort of Jedi Mind Trick, but he has something about him which gets people to be more responsive to him than to others. More likely for Don Roma than Jedi Mind Trick by director-writer George Lucas is Voice, as it was described in the Dune novels of Frank Herbert.

4️⃣4️⃣2️⃣ 2024-May-04 00:32:12 (Act 6 near entry 282)

Lindsay decided to continue her journey of faith with us; Jardani "Don" Roma was more than ready to take her place at Harvest Christian Fellowship. If anyone best exemplified being at the right place at the right time, it's Don.
🏍️ Like Lindsay Etxeberria, Jardani Roma needed to start over with a clean slate. Unlike Lindsay, Don will settle down for a while at Harvest Christian Fellowship. He seems to have bottomed out from whatever issues brought him to homelessness at Venice Beach. He seems to be at the point where once the spiritual aspect falls into place and he establishes his personal relationship with The Lord his life will be firing on all cylinders. This is what will be shown in both Blue Lion and The Bronze.


Story Arc So Far

Our Heroes, recently reconfigured as the reduced and more mobile
Felix Legion, cross into Texas and reach the "midway point" of Old Route 66, but not before passing Amarillo, Texas, US along the way.

Zapfic entries for this week were made to fill in gaps David Guardia's "re-enactment" of the uncanny Manny Rey's warding off of fools intending to rob a liquor store, as well as events in southerm California at both Venice Beach and Riverside. It's in SoCal where the newest character in The GHAWG Universe, Jardani "Don" Roma, is introduced.

NOW AVAILABLE! -- GHAWG, Uninterrupted for those who want to binge-read the daily zapfic serial one Act (or Interlude) at a time. Act 7 is in progress, so GHAWG-U proceeds through Interlude 3.

ALSO AVAILABLE! -- The GHAWG Diaries for those who want to witness the formation of The GHAWG Universe and how it's taking place. Published on Mondays when there is no GHAWG, Uninterrupted post (or, for that matter, any other post).

PLUS! -- GHAWG Behind the Scenes to see how elements of The GHAWG Universe take shape, from graphics to spreadsheets and other research. Included is a subseries called "Fun with Maps" showing the interesting things I find as I map out the David Guardia's ride. "Fun with Maps" is at South Bend, Indiana, US. Coming up is a series of posts showing the SEO impact of GHAWG on both the story and the domain.

Catch the latest zapfic entries for GHAWG at LeoThreads. Get caught up with GHAWG with these weekly summaries at InLeo.


GHAWG Navigation

To find other weekly summary posts such as this one-- or to read the serial without annotated commentary-- use the post GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe.


That's it for this Weekly Summary. I'm @magnacarta (graphic-signature made by @ahmadmanga)[!!]
Thanks for your time and for reading #GHAWG, LeoThreads at InLeo's first daily zapfic serial. Give the post an upvote or a reblog if you liked it. Feedback is welcome. Until next time!

[!!] -- signature graphic was made by @ahmadmanga

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