GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 230-236

GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 230-236

Read the Zapfic serial #GHAWG on LeoThreads to follow the transformation of a courier into a Harley-riding tool of God.


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● What is GHAWG?

● Zapfic Entries 230-236

    2️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ 2023-October-19 00:06:48

    2️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ 2023-October-20 00:17:12

    2️⃣3️⃣2️⃣ 2023-October-21 00:13:06

    2️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ 2023-October-22 00:07:03

    2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ 2023-October-23 01:09:33

    2️⃣3️⃣5️⃣ 2023-October-24 00:12:27

    2️⃣3️⃣6️⃣ 2023-October-25 00:24:00

● Story Arc So Far

● Next Week

    Zapfic Entries 230-236

    At LeoThreads

GHAWG Navigation

0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣

What Is GHAWG?

#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and business owner from Bayonne, New Jersey, US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.

More details can be found in the first post of this weekly recap.


Zapfic Entries 230-236

2️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ 2023-October-19 00:06:48

When he said Illinois, I recalled the map I saw while in Barstow. Emanuel Cemetery and Prophetstown came to mind. "You have your own mission to execute," I said to Harry. "Perhaps the time draws near for you to fulfill it."
🏍️ David Guardia was in Barstow, Illinois(not Barstow, California, made famous by the song "Get Your Kicks on) Route 66") when he saw that map showing Emanuel Cemetery and Prophetstown. He and Harry Hoqualogue are connected to each other by the uncanny Manny Rey.

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2️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ 2023-October-20 00:17:12

"Maybe," said Harry. "What'll you do after I reach San Diego?"

"The guys I picked up will be heading back home, where their homes are; I figured we stay together until it's time to part."

Rhonda had a look of genuine concern.
🏍️ This was the first time David Guardia, Rhonda Bella, and Harry Hoqualogue talk in terms of life after their epic ride. Harry is just a few days away from his destination, while David and Rhonda have time zones worth of riding left to do before their ride ends. David needs to start the next phase of his new life, and Rhonda has soem things of her own she has to figure out.

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2️⃣3️⃣2️⃣ 2023-October-21 00:13:06

We ended up camping near Myers Flat for the night. After we settled down, Rhonda approached me.

"Where will you go after everyone else goes home?" she asked me.

"I hadn't thought that far ahead," I said. "Maybe I'm a nomad."
🏍️ Rhonda Bella had grown used to the company of David Guardia, and he grew used to having her in his life. While David is resigned to what life after his epic ride will be like (in his mind, solitary again after everyone else had gone home), Rhonda was worried about the big let down she would experience when the ride is over.

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2️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ 2023-October-22 00:07:03

"Hank & Frank go back to Iowa, and Sanjay & Lionel return to UNC," said Rhonda.

"I have to confess," I said. "This has been the most fulfilling time of my life."

"Mine too." We looked @ each other in silence. Then came a bear.
🏍️ More than at any other moment until this point, David Guardia and Rhonda Bella were on the same wavelength. David and Rhonda had been thinking the same thing. We know that David had left his old life in Bayonne, New Jersey, US behind, but we need to remember that Rhonda left her life behind, too, when she began riding with David. This moment is when David and Rhonda realize the strength of the bonds they grew with each other.

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2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ 2023-October-23 01:09:33

"Get the bear spray," suggested Rhonda. Knowing everything I've heard over the years about handling bears, I did none of them. Slowly I approached the bear as anyone would approach a dog. After I pet the bear gently, it left us.
🏍️ David Guardia had his can of bear spray from the shopping he did back in Oregon. As apex predators, bears are not to be trifled with. While he wasn't dealing with the Cocaine Bear of recent noteriety, a regular bear is still powerful enough to tear a man to shreds. This is what makes his apparent disregard for the bear amazing.

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2️⃣3️⃣5️⃣ 2023-October-24 00:12:27

"You could've been killed," said Rhonda.

"That's right."

"You went to the bear anyway."

"God promised me as long as I had faith He would protect me against anything and anyone in my way. I believe Him, and He keeps His word."
🏍️ This calls back the scene in the 2010 movie The Book of Eli where Eli (Denzel Washington) explains to Solara (Mila Kunis) why he doesn't fear what is before him as he journeys with The Book:
Clear as I can hear you talking to me now. It told me to carry the book west, it told me that a path would be laid out before me, that I'd be led to a place where the book would be safe. It told me I'd be protected, against anyone or anything that tried to stand in my way. If only I would have faith.

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2️⃣3️⃣6️⃣ 2023-October-25 00:24:00

"I've been waiting for as long as I could remember for a religious experience," Rhonda revealed to me.

"Mine hit me upside the head," I said. "However, you may have been given a greater gift: You became witness to God's power."
🏍️ Neither David Guardia nor Rhonda Bella would have called themselves religious before they met. This is the first time we get an idea of how spirituality was part of Rhonda's life. As for David, he was so locked in to caring for his ailing father that he just took things a moment at a time. That's why he was surprised when he discovered The Lord had chosen him to be a prophet. All it took was a near-death experience to realize his life had changed forever.

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Story Arc So Far

David Guardia, Rhonda Bella, and Harry Hoqualogue take a bit of time to talk about the future that the uncertainty which lies before each. David and Rhonda continue the discussion before they call it a night at Myers Flat. Each suspected that the other had feelings which were mutual, and they confirmed it this night. Their moment of realization was witnessed by the bear which approached them.

Next Week

Zapfic Entries 237-244

Our Heroes reach Legget, California and switch to the famed Pacific Coast Highway for the rest of their ride to San Diego. Lindsay Etxeberria learns more about the Brothers Marchenko, Hank and Frank.

In an in-squence bonus zapfic entry, the encounter with the bear was memorialized on video and went viral.

At LeoThreads

Our Heroes reach Riverside, California, US where Lindsay was to begin her new life under the guidance and mentorship available at Harvest Christian Fellowship. Once they meet the Pastor, they explain what brought them all to his community. The Pastor is amazed by what he had heard.

NOW AVAILABLE! -- GHAWG, Uninterrupted for those who want to binge-read the daily zapfic serial one Act (or Interlude) at a time.

ALSO AVAILABLE! -- The GHAWG Diaries for those who want to witness the formation of The GHAWG Universe and how it's taking place. Published on Mondays when there is no GHAWG, Uninterrupted post.

NEW! -- GHAWG Behind the Scenes to see how elements of The GHAWG Universe take shape, from graphics to spreadsheets and other research. Included is a subseries called "Fun with Maps" showing the interesting things I find as I map out the David Guardia's ride.

Catch the latest zapfic entries for GHAWG at LeoThreads. Get caught up with GHAWG with these weekly summaries at InLeo.


GHAWG Navigation

To find other weekly summary posts such as this one-- or to read the serial without annotated commentary-- use the post GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe.

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