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The Summary Of My April, 2024 Progress.

Hello Frens, It's the end of April and I must say it was indeed a great one for me and I'm so excited, woo - hoo💃, lol. I don't even know where to start but I'll just write it as it flows 😅.

Okay I'm just excited because of the tiny little progress I made here this month of April. The last time I wrote about my activities on Hive was in January, which was the beginning of the first quarter of the year. Since it's the second quarter, I thought it necessary that I talk about how my Hive journey has been. So far so good, February and March went well and I was able to participate in both the Hive and Leo Power Up Days. April, I also participated. I don't plan on missing any of the months at all because I need my badges up to date, hehehe.

April Power Ups

So with my power up of 20 Hive for April, and with rewards from curation and posts, my total HP. for April 30th, 2024 is 1,531

For #lpud I powered up 200 Leo, coupled with the delegation reward from Leo.voter, my total LP as today 30th of April, 2024 is 7900 LP

My HBD savings also increased to $170. It's gradually adding up, you know.

You know this saying that one needs to be intentional with whatever they are doing, well since I joined Hive I haven't been so much intentional about publishing at least a post each day like I was in April. This was actually one of my goals for this year, started it in January but couldn't make through to the other months but I decided to push myself to the limit and against all odds achieved it. I remember publishing posts as late as midnight with heavy eyes begging to close for the night.

Another area is curation and engagement on long form posts. I was able to engage and curate at least ten l in a day, not mentioning the ones from the curation trails I joined and others I did while going through community feeds. I know some people curate more than this but it's okay, that's my little wins. So the idea behind this ten posts curation is #dreemport. One of the things we do at Dreemport from Monday to Friday is to curate five approved posts that were submitted on dreemport site by fellow members called #dreemers. The curation makes one eligible to submit their own posts too. Now to how I curated ten posts. Remember that I've written some posts about Dreemerge Season 2 recently. Well during the Season 1, I was able to earn some cards and one of it was the Gold Octopus Card. One of the features of this card, that's after minting and activation, is the ability to do double curation and this double curation which will also earn you viable cards for the Dreemerge Season 2. So while I get more cards for the game via double curation, I also earn more curation rewards, that's a win win.
Another win is getting a streak after successful curation each day, so for this month, I'll be getting the complete streak. The one for 30th will show by dawn.

In the area of threads, I must confess I wasn't so active. There were days I created just a few threads and some engagements too but I did more of curation. I hope to get involved more in the coming months.

Here's my statics on Inleo from dashboard
I wonder why post published isn't showing.

I won't fail to talk about premium subscription. Since it went live, I haven't let any month pass without renewing my subscription apart from the free premiums I won some month ago. Looking at the image below, you can see the features of the premium.

Now I have to commend the tireless commitment and efforts of the Inleo team in making sure that we get the The Everything App for a seamless engagement in the community. The UI is looking pretty cool that once you get in and create your first thread, you wouldn't want to leave again. I'm sure some of you can attest to this. No doubt, there were bugs reported through the feedback tag especially on threads and the tech team was able to fix them and I'm sure as more are reported, they will still handle it.
But for the long form content publishing, it was so fast, infact within seconds your post is published.

Another area that I will like to commend the Inleo team is on the monthly initiative which started February. This is a wonderful initiative that gives users ideas to create contents based on the topics of each day. It's amazing how many Hive users who weren't active on Inleo were drawn in due to this initiative and I'm sure this month, #aprilinleo recorded a good number of participants.

And just like others, I was able to participate too. I see this as one of the ways to support the efforts of the team and to encourage them to keep on dolling out more engaging and wonderful initiatives and projects.

I think this is where I will end it but before I do I'll rate myself and I have to say that I'm really impressed by my overall performance this month and May, hopefully will be a lot better.

So I'm happy to announce that once this post gets published, I'll receive a notification from Hivebuzz on my newest achievement for 30 days post publishing. Who know we might share one or two shots of tequila to celebrate, hehehe.

Thank you for reading, see you in May.

This is my entry in the #aprilinleo for 30th.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

Image 1. Other Images Are Screenshots From My Pages.