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The focus of this week's Leo&Hodl contest is all about Leo Contests.

There have been several contests that have been held in the Leo ecosystem and each of them have recorded great success.
Worthy of note is the Leo&Hodl weekly contest, the Crew quest, the Zealy quest and the monthly #lpud.

Benefits Of The Existing Leo Contests.
All these contests have been of great benefit to LeoVerse.
Let's look at some of them;

  • It Helps Promote the Community's Projects /Products
    I would say this is a very important benefit of contests to the community.
    Like the just concluded zealy quest, it was organized to promote the new UI (leofinance.io), and the awareness campaign done in other online platforms brought the LeoVerse into limelight. The leofinance.io is indeed a successful project.
    At every corner of the internet world, Leofinance has taken relevance such that it has attracted Ads from various firms which is a source of revenue for the community.

Also the LEO&HODL weekly contests focuses on promoting a specific product or projects in the LeoVerse like Leoglossary, which was discussed in the fourth week,
daily Leo in the ninth week, tips on how to rank up in the zealy quest, in the thirty-sixth week etc.

  • It Encourages Engagement In The Community:
    This is absolute fact. The Leo contests spurs active participation and engagement from users.
    The zealy quest was a good example of this. The various daily quest, weekly quests, side quests saw participants always busy doing one quest or the other either on Leothreads
    Twitter, TikTok etc.
    Also users who haven't been on the AMA WEN SOON show and threadcast, Cryptoholics, Cryptomaniac and CTT podcasts had no alternative than to join so they can get the keyword of the day to claim XPs.
    The threads quest, threadstorm, calendar threading, slay the boss, battle of lions etc hugely increased the activities on threads as users interacted with each other. Infact we broke #threads and the team were on their toes to fix it.😂

  • It Encourages Partnership From Other Communities.
    Using the zealy quest as an example too, various communities came onboard and partnered with LeoFinance. Provisions were made to give two communities whose representatives won in the quest a 100k HP delegation. Participants were encouraged to represent any community of their choice to achieve this. Communities like HiveNaija, Free Compliments, Afritunes, Alive Tribe, Foodies Bee Hive etc were part of it, and since then have been active on threads.

  • Increase In The MAU's
    This is so true, especially as it happened during the zealy quest.
    One of the quests which involved inviting 3 or more frens to the community contributed to the increase of MAU's in the community.
    Not only that, the post promotion of non-users of threads and the reach out to users who have been inactive for months encouraging them to come back helped.
    One of such users I can remember promoteming her post during the quest is @jenthoughts, she got onboard and has been active on threads since then.

  • It Helps Build Connectivity Between Users Within The Community.
    Contests help users with interests in blockchain
    technology, finance, cryptocurrency, business, connect and engage. As they interact and brainstorm, they share ideas which will in the community growth and success.

  • Increases Leo Stake In The Ecosystem
    The #lpud which comes up every 15th of the month helps increase the number of Leo staked in the community. The last #lpud was awesome. Thousands of Leo tokens were powered up, and this was necessitated by the prizes won in the zealy quest and Leo&Hodl contest.
    If users engage in contests and win, they will be motivated to power up part or even all of Leo token won for the #lpud.
    I, for example powered up all Leo I won in the LEO&HODL contest and zealy quest.

Why Should LeoFinance Have Contests?

Organizing contests is a good thing for any community that wants to grow and have online presence.

This LeoFinance has a lot of positive effects on the ecosystem.

  • Organizing contests will help create a community of active users. Since most of the contests involve content creations, this will make participants create quality contents both in short form (threads) and long form contents too.
    Also as users create short form contents (threads), they equally engage, interact and can follow others on the LeoVerse and be followed too.
    The zealy quest and Leo&Hodl are good examples.

  • When people engage in contests, they tend to discuss it with their friends and family members too. This is awareness creation which will likely trigger interests in them to join, thereby increasing the users in LeoFinance.

  • Organizing contests will offer participants a wide range of activities which will help them exhibit their innate potentials. Like the zealy quest, there were so many quests ranging from drawing, video creation, threading etc and we saw so many participants displaying their drawing prowess and writing skills in the quest.

  • Organizing contests will go a long way to showcase the community's programs, products or projects within and outside the Hive blockchain which will in turn attract more users to onboard.

  • It Can Help Increase The Number Of Leo Stake In The Ecosystem.
    The #lpud which comes up every 15th of the month helps increase the number of Leo staked in the community. The last #lpud was awesome. Thousands of Leo tokens were powered up, and this was necessitated by the prizes won in the zealy quest and Leo&Hodl contest.
    If users engage in contests and win, they will be motivated to power up part or even all of Leo token
    won for the #lpud.
    I, for example powered up all Leo I won in the LEO&HODL contest and zealy quest.

  • Organizing contests will help users gain more knowledge as regards the contest topic. As participants make research to build up their content, they learn too.

How Can Contests Be Organized in LeoFinance
LeoFinance contests can come in different forms depending the goal each contest is set to achieve. Also each of the contests should have reward based The prize or reward can be in form of Leo tokens, delegations, etc and winners from first to third positions selected.
Some of the contest may include;

  • Writing Contests:
    Although the Leo&hodl weekly contests falls in this category, more weekly or bi-weekly contests can be organized. Topics of the contest can center on cryptocurrency
    blockchain technology, finance, even business, law and nation's economy related topics. Each contest should have prizes attached to it to encourage more participation.

Coding / Cryptography Contests:
The LeoFinance has cryptographers and organizing such contests will really make a lot of impact on the LeoVerse. The topic can be everything relating to App design, programming, scripting etc in LeoFinace. This will encourage those with such skills to showcase their abilities and prowess. Some can even get job connects from there, other users may also develop interest to learn coding.

  • Graphic Design Contests:
    The LeoFinance also boasts of talented graphic designers so a contest should also be created for them. Such contest will base on designing LeoFinance flyers, flex banners, logos, or inscribing Leo logo on t-shirts etc

  • Drawing Contest
    The just concluded zealy quest proved that there are great artists in the LeoFinace ecosystem. So why not create a contest where users can also showcase their drawing skills more.

  • Quiz contests:
    Question and answer contest sounds great. Questions for the quiz can be based on cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, finance or general knowledge.

  • Threading Contest:
    Since leothread is all about microblogging, organizing such contest will be a welcome development. It can be a daily or weekly contests and topics relating to cryptocurrency, finance, Leo products, projects etc will be threaded. This can be come in the form of a threadstorm.

  • Tweeting Contest:
    Twitter is a great platform to promote the LeoFinace ecosystem so organizing a contest where users can tweet about LeoFinace and topics related to it will go a long way in giving it a widespread awareness.

Should there be a new crypto/economy focused weekly contest organized by the LeoFinance team?

I think it's a great idea to have such.
As we have seen the successful track records of the previous contests organized by the team, new crypto/economy focused weekly contest will warmly welcomed by members.
Why so?

  • This is because it could serve as an avenue where members get to learn more about the happenings in the crypto industry, blockchain and finance
    Everyday comes with new trends, coin market movement in crypto, new regulations in finance, technological advancement, so members should be abreast to all these information and contests is a way to achieve that.
  • It will equally increase engagement in the ecosystem as members are actively participating in the contests.
  • Furthermore, the contest can be organized on groups or teams. This will encourage partnership and combined effort of participants as they strive to ensure their team wins
    Example of this is "battle of lions" in the zealy quest.
  • Rewards, prizes are great motivating factors that will spur members into participating and actively engaging too, in contests. So this should be part of the contest's plan. Leo tokens, NFTs, Leo delegations can be used to reward winners.

What Contest Are / Were The Best For The Ecosystem?
All contests organized by LeoFinace since inception are all good as each one was able to meet the purpose for which it was organized.

  • The zealy quest which is the only widespread contest that I participated in was a huge success. It's no longer news but a fact, realty. It was a great milestone reached, and it gave the LeoFinance community more presence in the Web3 decentralized ecosystem and other online platforms including attracting more users to onboard. Not only that, the prize pool enriched many participants as they got thousands of Leo including NFTs, delegations etc.

  • The Leo&Hodl weekly contest, since inception have been consistent and equally successful as three winners are usually selected each week and Leo prizes given to them.
    This contest have given members something to look forward to, as they know that their participation will be rewarded one way or another.
    Not only that each weekly topic boarders on specific part of the LeoFinance project, products etc,. As participants research on these topics, they learn, also other users read and learn too.
    Finally, the Leo team can get ideas that will be useful for the running of the ecosystem from some of the entries submitted by participants.

  • The #lpud is also a great initiative and good for the ecosystem as members strive to power up because they know that it is not only beneficial to the community but to them too. Each month records massive power up as participantes look forward to winning any of the prizes. I resolved to always be part of it since I joined LeoFinance,

Although I haven't onboarded when the crew quest was organized, I was informed that it also gave a boost to LeoFinance ecosystem. Not only that winners smiled to the bank with their various prizes.

My Experience In LeoFinance Contests
I would say that I had an awesome experience with the contests I have participated in. Some of them are;

  • In the course of the zealy quest, I experienced a seamless consistency
    with the quests and each of them offered participants the opportunity to explore, research to be able to publish quality contents.

  • Participating in the Leo&Hodl weekly contest and the zealy quest helped me learn how to write quality long form contents.

  • The Leo&Hodl contest also gave me the opportunity to know some other projects and aspects of LeoFinance ecosystem like the daily Leo, Leo glossary, Leopaedia, Cub finance etc

  • I love team work and the zealy quest made me believe more in it as a means to victory. My team Battle of the three armies portrayed a very good example of team work.
    Also my friends and I were always encouraging each other and helping out where necessary, and that's why all of us made it to the top 40 to win.

  • It was from the zealy quest that I learnt about the Cryptoholics podcast, Cryptomaniac, Community token talk shows and each show was always something I looked forward to.

  • I also got to know about Leoglossary in the course of zealy quest. When I read articles from other members, I usually wonder how they write those key words to stand out but as it was a criteria for participants to apply it on their long content posts it.

  • As a newbie in Hive, I had no idea what Hive blocks
    was 😂 but now I can check my activities in Hive block, all thanks the zealy quest.

  • Threadstorming is one of the best things I gained from the zealy quest.

Leo Contests Effectiveness in The Ecosystem

  • Every contest organized in LeoFinance ecosystem always have a goal it tends to achieve and generally, I would say that each of them have been very effective in the ecosystem as they have surmounted their set goals.
    Worthy of mention is the Leo&Hodl with its weekly contest that promotes specific aspect of LeoFinance ecosystem.
    The adoption campaign zealy quest where massive awareness where created for the new UI, which increased engagement, on boarding of new users etc.
    The #lpud which helps in building the community's token.

  • Another reason why Leo contests have been effective is because through it members see themselves as a part and parcel of the the community and can freely interact and share ideas with others who have same passion in any field or topic.

  • Any contest without a prize or reward attached to it doesn't always augur well with participants and as such wouldn't record much. People like motivation and offering tangible rewards and incentives of whatever form for their efforts will go a long way to encourage active participation in publishing more quality contents, engagement in the ecosystem and adoption of the LeoFinance platform. This has made LeoFinace contests effective as they do not fail to reward winners in any contest.

  • Contests are all encompassing. It is challenging, fun, and offers participants the opportunity to be creative and showcase their talents, skills and unique abilities to deliver quality contents in any of their chosen topics.

Comparing Crypto Contest and LeoFinance Contest

In the crypto world, all platforms have their unique way of organizing contests.
I see Leofinance contests as having a more unique and engaging contest apart from the other crypto communities. Why so?

  • It is because in LeoFinance, participants have a wide variety of fun, exciting and engaging contests like content creation, threading contest (slay the boss, battle of three armies, threads legend etc), trading, even logging, drawing etc

  • LeoFinace contests are rewarding. At the end of each contest, participants who came out top are sure of earning valuable tokens, delegations, NFTs and some of these tokens are ploughed back to the ecosystem in the form of power up or staking, while the delegations increases the user's voting power.

  • If you need a platform where you will have an engaging experience and same time build your crypto portfolio, LeoFinance contests offers you that. It is a fact and I stand to testify to that.

  • Finally, if you are seeking to build your reputation in the crypto space and genuine connections, as well as receive quality engagements and feedbacks on your contents, no other cryptocurrency' contests can offer you that except of LeoFinace.
    So if you haven't been engaging in LeoFinance's contests, get onboard now.

Haven't registered in LeoFinance yet, use this link https://leofinance.io now.

This is my entry for the Leo&Hodl contest for this week organized by @hodlcommunity, @leofinance, @idiosyncratic1

I invite @peniel2010 @ijelady @yahuzah to make their submissions.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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