Guilds in Splinterlands are membership-based clans that provide special benefits to players and give advanced gameplay options. Being in a guild allows a player to participate in brawls and use the guild store to buy special items that are only available to guild members.

In this edition of Splinterlands Basics, we'll talk about how to join a guild and guild buildings. This guide will give you an idea of what to expect being in a guild.

How to Join a Guild

To join a guild, a player has to look at the list of available guilds accepting new members, from the Splinterlands website click on "GUILDS" tab and then click "<-- GUILDS" to see the list of guilds as shown in the image below. Or click this link https://splinterlands.com/?p=guilds to directly visit the guilds listing page.

Now, you'll see a list of guilds based on their ratings, you can filter out guilds based on language and joining type.

Every guild has its requirements for membership, so carefully read the requirements before applying for the membership because if you cannot meet the requirements, you might get kicked out of the guild later.

Click on a guild name that is open to accept memberships with some free members slots, review the Guild Info and Requirements and then click on the green button "JOIN GUILD", voila your guild journey has just started.

If by chance, you like to join a guild "By Request", then you have to wait for the guild's response to either accept you as a member or reject your application.

You cannot join an "Invite Only" guild from the list, to join such a guild you have to contact them directly to send you an invitation to join the guild.

Once you are a member of a guild your first rank will be a "Member", other high-rank members can change your rank if they feel so depending on your guild performance.


Guild Navigation Tabs

Now, we'll learn about the navigation bar and its functions.

ABOUT: You can review Guild Info, Announcements, and Brawl Stats in "ABOUT" section.

MEMBERS: Here you'll find all guild members' info, their ratings, and contributions. You can challenge a fellow member for a battle and also view their card collection.

TAVERN: Socialize with other guild members by having a nice chat or discussing guild matters, whatever.

BUILDINGS: Access 5 guild buildings, and review their levels, functions, and upgradation requirements. We'll further discuss each building in detail later in this guide.

BRAWL: Visit this page to participate in guild battles known as 'Brawls'.


Guild Buildings

There are 5 types of guild buildings in a guild setup, each building has a unique function and feature. Each guild building has 10 levels and can be upgraded with DEC, and later with DEC-B, tokens. Each upgrade of the guild building provides new features.


Hall is the primary building of a guild, it has 2 main functions, 1) it establishes the number of members who can join the guild at each building level, 2) It allows other buildings to be upgraded up to the level of this building, which means any building's level cap is bound to level of Hall. Click the "Info" button to find out upgradation requirements and what each Hall level can offer.

This building provides a special bonus to 'Reward Points' in ranked battles and gives a nominal discount on Shop purchases.

A level 1 lodge building allows a 1% of Reward Points bonus to ranked battles, but a player has to complete the Focus requirement before unlocking the bonus. Each upgrade of Lodge increases the percentage of the RP bonus.

Lodge building also provides discounts on certain Shop items except for excluded ones. This discount bonus is available from level 3 Lodge and increases with each upgrade of the building.

Click on the INFO button to know more about building perks at each level.


Arena is the place for conducting brawl operations, such as how many members can join Frays, the tier of brawls i.e. bronze, silver, or higher, and brawl rewards multiplier.

As the building gets an upgrade, your guild will seek more Fray slots, unlock higher tiers, and get a better reward multiplier. Look for more detail by clicking on the INFO button on ARENA page.


Barracks building unlocks tactics to be used in brawls, each tactic has a different effect during a brawl session. Each upgrade of Barracks assigns a new tactic ready to be used in a brawl, multiple tactics can be used at once also.

Here is the list of tactics per building level and their effect in a brawl:


Store building unlocks Merits bonuses in brawls and adds exclusive items to the guild shop. These items can only be purchased by spending Merits and Crowns.

It is to be noted that guild members can start receiving SPS and Merit rewards when the guild has a level 1 Store built already, if Store level is 0 then there will be no SPS or Merits rewards offered to members.

Here is the list of Merits bonuses and items added to inventory at each level of Store.

I hope this simple guide has given you a better understanding of guild buildings and their functions. Being in a guild allows you to learn advanced game tactics and you learn to grow as a team member. Once more advantage is that you can grab some Gladius cards that you can use in ranked battles as well.

You can read the last Splinterlands Basics tutorial about Shop, Market, and Store in Splinterlands by clicking here..


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