Time to power up LEO + Provide Liquidity Week winners!


The first Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) is scheduled for June 15th, and if you haven't heard about this initiative we encourage you to climb out from under the rock you've been living and read about LPUD because well, this initiative rocks too much for you to ignore it!

We've seen many comments from people who want to participate on the first Leo Power Up Day and how much they are trying to stack as much LEO as they can so they can amass the 200 LEO needed to participate.

Well, this is your chance to stack some LEO by posting about one topic: Leo Power Up day and why it helps to the long term health of the Leo Finance.


All you have to do is write a post about this topic, use the tag #LPUD and well, make sure it is a good post, because our curators will be in the hunt for those posts.

All you have to do is publish your post between right now and June 8th at 23:58 PST, that way, you will be able to buy some LEO with your HBD rewards from the post you make, and you will be able to power up that LEO before the LPUD Deadline - June 15th at 23:59 PST.

Make sure to check the details about #LPUD (Leo Power Up Day)


The Provide Liquidity Week was a success, and even though we didn't reach our goals below, we saw tons of liquidity being added to the three Polycub farms related to the Hive ecosystem: pHBD, pHive, and pSPS, all paired to polycub.

We want to thank everyone who joined this initiative, and congratulations for those who left their wallet address in the comment section to become eligible
to win one of the 5 prizes for the #PLW.

The Winners

As we mentioned in our announcement post, there are 5 Polycub farmers who won $100 USD in polycub, each:

Congratulations! You will receive $100 in Polycub on the wallet that you left in the comment section of the announcement post!

In the 3speak video below, you will see how the raffle went using a provably fair website betting site called duckdice.io (leogrowth doesn't endorse or encourage online gambling, but they work with a provably fair randomizer tool that is perfect for our raffles) :

Shoutout to @defireturn for giving us the perfect tool to track the entry prize of each farm for each wallet that was added in the comment section of the Provide Liquidity Week announcement.

Leo Power Up Day is right around the corner, make sure to check out the announcement here to be eligible to win a 20k delegation among other prizes!.

▶️ 3Speak

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