Beer Reviews: Honey, mocha, and a dark Lager

Well, it's Saturday so that means it's time for another #beersaturday post. I haven't been drinking many beers lately. I tend to drink less alcohol in the winter months for various reasons, so it takes some time for me to build up even a small list of beer reviews. I have three now, so here goes. Enjoy and Cheers everyone 🍻

Smoked Honey


Brewery: Royal City Brewing Co
Origin: Ontario Canada
Style: Brown Ale
Abv: 5.5%


Simple color and image design. Shield style artwork.


Dark, chestnut brown with a hearty bubbly tan head.


Malty sweety aroma, burnt sugar, mild floral hops scents coming through.


Sweet with a strong bitter finish. Smoke at the end.


Small and sharp bubbles. Medium bodied.


This was an okay beer if you like smoked beers. It's a bit too sweet for me and a bit too smokey as well. The more I drank it the more overpowering the smoke became, until eventually it was a bit off putting for me. I've had this one in the past but probably wouldn't bother with it again.

Moonstruck Dark Lager


Brewery: Lake of Bays Brewing Co
Origin: Ontario Canada
Style: Dark Lager
Abv: 4.2%


Lake of Bays company logo on top of a subtle image of people gazing at the moon and stars. It's a bit of a boring can to me but it's fine. It doesn't spark joy, as my wife would say.



Dark chestnut brown with a frothy, foamy, tan colored head.


Predominantly roasted malt aromas coming through. Some nuttiness. I don't have a very good sense of smell, so I have difficulty picking out subtlies of aroma.


Roasted notes in the forefront. Some cocoa coming through, and a long lasting bitter finish that coats the mouth and back of the tongue.


Airy bubbles give this beer a soft sort of texture that was very pleasing to me.


A decent beer overall. Nothing to write home about. The texture stands out most for me. It was a little unbalanced to me. Mainly just a strong bitterness came through but not much else. I like bitter tastes so it was fine for me but some may not like that. You be the judge.

Mocha Stout


Brewery: Perth Brewery
Origin: Perth Ontario Canada
Style: American Stout
Abv: 4.9%
IBU: 42
SRM: 38



Brown and orange coloring, cartoony coffee factory imagery. Lots of information on this can, which was nice. They really sell it on the back of the can.



Dark chestnut brown, nearly black, with a billowy tan colored head made up of large bubbles.


Aromas came out more for me as this beer warmed to room temperature. Some roasted aromas, some mild chocolate came through and of course coffee as the name suggests.


Mildly dry, strong and long lasting bitter finish. I noticed vanilla come through in the finish followed by coffee/espresso notes. These were again, more pronounced as the beer warmed.


Tiny sharp bubbles on the tongue with a velvetiness underneath. Medium bodied.



I quite enjoyed this beer. It was subtle in its coffee and vanilla flavoring and didn't have that overpowering fake taste that is common among beers that have extract additives in their ingredients. It wouldn't be my "go to" beer and I wouldn't seek it out at the store over other stouts, but I would drink it again if it was offered to me. It was a nice change and definitely the winner of this round of beers.

Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Cheers everyone!

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