Photo of praying mantis (Mantodea dyctyoptera) relaxing in palm from various angles

Hello hiver friends, good night and have a good rest, may you rest in peace.
On this occasion tonight I will share a picture of a praying mantis.
I got this praying mantis at my house, when my son showed it to me, he told me to throw the praying mantis out of the house, because my son was very afraid of this praying mantis, because my child was gripped by this praying mantis.
But before I throw the praying mantis out of the house, I'll capture it on my smartphone, and I'll share it with my nestmates, whom I care deeply about. And here are some pictures of the praying mantis that I took from various angles.





This praying mantis is very docile, because when I caught it and placed it in my palm, it didn't fly, it even looked like it was going to sleep in my palm. Hopefully the pictures that I present tonight can entertain all of my friends who are resting because they are tired of the weekend vacation.

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