Brant Goose - A Canadian Terror Duck In Disguise!

Brant Geese can easily be distinguished from their Canadian Goose counterparts by their long black balaclava.

Brant Goose

Known in Europe as the Brent goose, this common Arctic Goose usually winters in the lagoons and estuaries of the southern USA, rarely venturing onto land. In the arctic, the Brant Geese likes to live around ponds and lakes that are filled with tundra grass and sedges.

A fun fact about the Brant Goose, is after some wicked storms during the 70's some Brant's were forced to take refuge on land to ride out the storm. During their times on land the geese ate the grasses and seeds of the agricultural area they landed on. This has lead future Brant Geese to start utilizing the land and incorporating it into its usual winter diet of Eelgrass and Sea Lettuce.


Tamron 150 - 600 mm

You know, I really do love this Tamron "Super telephoto" but I think my P900 really spoiled me with the equivalent zoom of a 2,000 mm lens! I will admit that when zooming to the full 600 mm I get left with a small "That's as far as she goes?" feeling that saddens me. My Nikon P900 camera, while not a DSLR, did provide good quality photos at much further distances. This means I have not practiced being sneaky around wildlife. I was always able to sit extremely far away and still get great shots. Which is why these photos of the geese have a lot of duck butts pointed towards the camera lens. I had to get closer than I normally do, and apparently the distance needed to get some nice close up shots is well within their warning radius.

Oh, and remember, we're on the tundra, so there's nothing for you to hide behind. Literally nothing. If you're lucky there's a big rock you can hide 40% of your body behind. But it's probably still 20 yards to your right, on the bad side for lighting. 😅


Clouds, The Bane Of My Existence

Notice the shot above. Lovely pink glow on the bodies of the Brant Geese. Soft and pretty lighting.

Now notice the shot below. Dull, drab, and back to grey.

Frickin' Clouds! This year, 2021, has been one of the worst summers for me. Non-stop overcast cloud coverage for the majority of the past two months. And with those clouds there has been a cold misty rain that constantly lingers on the island. Slowly passing in waves, drenching everything with a fine, but soaking, dew.

The photography gods have not been kind to me this year. It has been quite frustrating to plan trips only for the weather to dash them to bits.



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