WAX Flexing the Power of its Blockchain with Largest Airdrop in History

The king of NFTs, WAX blockchain, is doing it again. Making history. WAX continue to be the best blockchain for NFTs and that's not changing anytime soon with over 11 million active wallets.


10 Million NFTs

WAX is no stranger to massive NFT drops with Topps MLB baseball card NFTs selling over 2.5 million. Today they announced that they are going to be doing the largest NFT airdrop in history to 10 million wallets. This means that the first 10 million registered WAX wallets will all be receiving at least one free NFT airdropped straight to their wallet. This drop is nearly 10 times larger than any drop on any other blockchain and it demonstrates the sheer power of the WAX blockchain. This proves once again that WAX is the best blockchain for metaverse, NFTs, and gaming. 10 million assets will be distributed for free at zero gas fees and zero emissions. It's currently handling over 15 million transactions per day, or over 8,000 transactions per second. Can you imagine the amount of ETH that would be spent on gas to make that happen? Not to mention the fact that the Ethereum blockchain would be completely congested and unusable with any dapp doing that many transactions. Name another blockchain doing numbers like this... I'll wait.


They're dropping the 10 million NFTs in 1 million chunks. Each chunk of 1 million NFTs will be a unique pin that represents a milestone in WAX's history. Every single one of the first 10 million wallets will receive at least one NFT dropped to their wallet. This would be literally impossible on other blockchains like Solana, Ethereum, or even a layer 2 solution like Polygon. Solana and Polygon are supposed to be scalable but can be taken offline completely by one single dapp. Looking at Polygon specifically, Sunflower Farmers decimated the chain and pushed fees through the roof when the whole purposed of the chain is to scale. I won't share the images for each of the 10 different pins, you can check them out at the link above. This is more of a flex than anything really. These NFTs may be totally worthless, and that's fine. That's not the point. The point is to demonstrate why WAX will continue towering over other chains for NFTs and play to earn gaming. You can't touch the king.


Thanks for reading! Much love.

Links 'n Shit

Play to Earn Get paid to Search Get free crypto every day Get a WAX wallet
Gods Unchained Presearch PipeFlare WAX.io
Splinterlands GoodDollar
Rising Star



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