Crypto Noobs #15 - How to Bridge Funds from Binance Smart Chain to Polygon

welcome back frens

I'm back with another issue of the most popular crypto series on Hive (lol not), Crypto Noobs! It's a series where I, a degen stoner on the internet, show you how to do different shit with crypto, NFTs, and blockchains. Check out the last post where I break down Polygon and show you how to get set up for interacting with Polygon dApps. Today, I'm gunna show you one way to move funds from Binance Smart Chain over to Polygon using xPollinate.



xPollinate is a bridge platform that supports BSC, Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, xDai, Moonriver, Arbitrum, and Fantom. This makes moving funds between chains incredibly easy. xPollinate is built by 1Hive, the guys that built Honeyswap and the Honey token HNY. It only supports bridging 4 assets across chains but that's no issue since we have swaps. You'll be able to bridge ETH, USDC, USDT, and DAI depending on which network you're bridging to and from. So here's how to use it.

Step 1:

Visit xPollinate and select which network you want to send from, and which network you want to send to. I'm bridging BSC to Polygon for this example.


Step 2:

Select which token you're bridging. In this case, I'm bridging ETH from BSC to Polygon.

Step 3:

Once you've selected the to and from networks and your token, click Swap. Keep in mind there will be gas fees depending on which networks you're interacting with. For my case, I needed some BNB for gas.


Step 4:

Sit back, relax, have a beer, and watch the magic happen. It does take a few minutes but it's cool that you can watch each thing happen. The time varies by networks.


Step 5:

Click Sign to Claim. This will be done on the network you're sending to. So switch the network to Polygon in Metamask and sign the transaction. Bam. You're done.


That's it. Super easy.

Now your ETH has been bridged over to Polygon and can be swapped for whatever tokens you want. Note: the site has been updated since I did this a few days ago so the UI does look different.

See ya later!

thanks for reading.

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