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Giza Pyramids made by Aliens? What is the mystery behind these Pyramids?- EXPLAIN

Hey steemians, today we are talk about the mysterious things about the Giza Pyramids. Many of you know about the Giza Pyramids. So I thought that I talk about this topic.
There are so many mysteries and secrets on this earth and in these there is one mysteries that Pyramids. The history of these Pyramids is about 4500-5000 years old. There are no solid proof on how these will be created and what is inside them. Many debates still run on these Pyramids, but the scientist are working to create a team to collect all the information related to the pyramids, find out the structure inside these pyramids are possible with the help of cosmic rays.
All the scientist from Britain to the US are included in this team. This team researched on the pyramid, leaning about 40000 kilometers away from Kaira and released the pictures. A 3D structure was prepared on the basis of this research, which has shown that there are other rooms inside the Pyramids and also the tunnels. There are not any information about where these tunnels go and what are inside the rooms?, this is big mystery.
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The biggest question here is why these pyramids were made and how these such a big pyramids were made? or what was the reason that the Egyptians made such a big structure? and such was the technology they had that they made such a huge pyramid so great? Many scientist also try to connect these pyramids with the existence of Aliens. It may be possible, or it may be possible that the Egyptians was in contact with aliens and could it be that they were an alien resident of ancient Egypt?
We know very limited about our solar system, in-fact we know limited about are universe.What is truth is it will be come after the research, but you have heard something about the Pyramid of Giza.There are special things about the Pyramid of Giza that you will find interesting. In the Giza Pyramid of Egypt, they used to keep the bodies of the kings buried, which is also called 'Mummy', cloths, jewelry, weapons, and a lot of things were also buried along with the dead bodies, many times the servants were also buried together. The Egyptian people used to do this because they believed that after death, when a person goes to another world, then all these things will be found there.
There are 138 Pyramids in the Egypt which are spread over 13 acres, but the most famous Pyramid of these is Giza Pyramid. The height of Giza Pyramid is 450ft. It is also believed that Giza Pyramid has time to build 30 years, or it is made by 30 lakh workers. One strange thing about the Great Giza Pyramid is that the inner temperature is only 20 degree celsius. Based on the fact, it is believed that it was constructed b the fourth dynasty of the ruler of 2560 B.C., as its grave.
All right steemians, these are the mysterious things about Giza Pyramid, What do you know about the Giza Pyramid, tell me below.
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