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I remember some time ago, while still working with a Job hub as an IT personnel, My boss started giving proposals to write as well as newsletters, official letters, and articles for publication. But before he entrusted me with such Jobs which were not even in my area of specialization, he started my asking me to help in the content writing for the newsletter we were producing then, I had never written anything of such before except the little essays I wrote in college, which surely was the only writing knowledge I had then. It was hard in the beginning as I didn't know where I should even begin. So I decided to make some major research on content writing which I focused on writing newsletters.

When I submitted the entire context, my boss was impressed and he decided to entrust me with every writing project the company was doing. Although I wasn't paid for it, all those experiences groomed me into the writer I am today. Though there are still many things I am yet to learn and so many I will love to learn but I understand that life is about time and process and trusting the growth process is as essential as growing.

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Looking back now, I can boldly say I have grown not because I can do what I couldn't do before, But because I am better at learning, I don't just want to learn more but my learning senses as also increased so I can learn from the smallest things and little hints better than I could assimilate before now. Learning, unlearning, and re-learning is not just vital tool for writing but for living also.

Writing for me has become a way of life, but it didn't start as a way of life for me, nowadays if am not writing, am thinking of the next article or book to write which wasn't like that before. Before now, I had just ideas to write, when I try to pen these ideas down, I either get stuck or get frustrated so I asked myself at times "can I truly write?". Though am not perfect now, I discovered that the issue I had then wasn't that I couldn't write but was that the knowledge I had was still in a raw form that would take consistency, diligence, and patience to make a lifestyle out of it.
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Some will say writing is hard, others will say it isn't but if I will give a piece of advice to anyone who is finding writing difficult, I will always say

  • Trust the process
  • Follow the process
  • Learn, Unlearn and re-learn

In doing so, You don't just become a better writer, but a better person as well. Also trusting and following the process does not involve skipping challenges but facing them every single time. When you have a block while trying to write think about something else, play a game, or do anything to remove your mind from the current situation like 30mins to 1hour when you come back you will feel more inspired to write again than you were. But ensure you don't leave it for too long.
