Advice Series... A great question to ask yourself.

I've had moments in life when I got the opportunity to learn from people, either by watching them do things or by getting advice from them. I'm open to being advised and I'm glad that I've been able to learn so much from the advice I've received during my younger age. My learning trajectory is astonishing, it even surprises me sometimes.

Over all these years of consistently learning and getting advice from folks due to my burning desire to be a better version of myself, there is one particular moment that sparked this learning curiosity in me. That's what I will be sharing in this post.


When I was in school, I came across a teacher who I still respect so much till this moment. She taught me in Primary 5 and ended up teaching my younger brother and sister when they got to that level. The woman's name is Mrs. Ikwueme and I make no bones when I say that she's the best teacher I've had the pleasure of learning from.

Back then, we usually do oral presentations in class. I remember one particular moment we were told to talk about the thing we want to be when we grow older. It's very common for young lads to go wild with imagination whenever we get an opportunity to talk about something like that. Of course, we didn't know that adulthood was not a bed of roses.

We naively said things that will make you laugh out loud when you get to hear them. We went for the most fancy profession we could think of and by the time everyone in the class finished talking about what they wanted to be, the teacher stepped in with something like;

What would life be like if you tried to achieve these things you fantasize about?

She did her best to explain things further and make us see that it's important to back up our wishful desires with relevant effort. In other words, it's not enough to want something. We have to go a step further and make a series of effort that will justify our desire for whatever we say we want.

I took that lesson in, went home, and shared it with my Mum. She backed it up and said; "That's correct". She added more details to that and since then, I've become the sort of person that doesn't just sit back and swim in thoughts of my wishful desires. I don't just wait for manna to fall from heaven and I don't wait for any magic wand to do some magic in my life.

I first set my eyes on something, and do my research to be sure of what it will likely take to achieve what I want. Then, I dive into work ASAP. That has been the approach that helped me go through my academic lifestyle. It has also been very effective in my personal growth and development. I apply the same method in my attempt to build my finances and it has been creating a positive ripple effect in my life.

Now, I pass this same message on to y'all;

What would life be like if you tried to achieve these things you fantasize about?

Think about that and try to back up your wishful desires with relevant effort.

Magic isn't going to happen. You may even fail to achieve whatever you want. However, when you make an effort and fail, at the very least, you will be sure that you tried and you gave it your best.

Mrs Ikwueme is still very alive and healthy. Mum usually tells me she asks about me whenever they happen to cross paths with each other. Also, whenever I travel back to Anambra and get to meet her, we exchange genuine greetings with each other and I hold her in high regard.

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