Coinbase hires top fintech executive to expand operations in Spain

Crypto industry investment in Europe is growing. As such, Coinbase has expansion plans for all of Europe, with a particular focus on Spain, France, the UK and Ireland.

The crypto winter can deceive most investors, leading many to think that the crypto industry is stagnant, but it is far from reality, it is the ideal stage to expand and prepare for the next wave. Coinbase shows clear signs of its commitment to Europe and one of the key countries is Spain.

Coinbase has confirmed the hiring of Daniel Seifert, who is a senior executive at the German financial technology company Solarisbank, this German bank that works on financial solutions has previously worked with Coinbase to collaborate on improving the customer identification process. through KYC.

Seifert will have the purpose of leading the expansion plans of the cryptocurrency exchange throughout Europe, with special attention in Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Ireland. This new hire follows Coinbase's clear commitment to Europe, as Coinbase has recently achieved regulatory registration in Italy and the Netherlands, as confirmed by the firm's vice president of international and business development, Nana Murugesan.

In Europe, crypto investment is in full growth

Previously, in the battle to adopt the crypto industry there were two main players, China and the United States. Europe was rather forgotten in this equation and a few years ago China was clearly the leader, although regulation can drastically change the location of a type of industry.

China's crusade against cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, has paved the way for its next digital yuan, the CBDC, leading to major shifts in crypto geopolitics. The United States benefited greatly from this event, absorbing a significant part of the cryptocurrency mining industry, as well as companies seeking a more favorable and stable political environment.

It is positive to track where the major companies in the crypto industry are investing to predict the future markets for the crypto industry, it may now be Europe's turn.


Coinbase shares are currently valued at $63.59 at time of writing, very soon we could see growth in value due to their expansion into Europe.

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