How To Grow In Hive: Think Like A Surveyor

Surveyors play a crucial role in our society by being at the forefront of innovation and problem-solving. One may wonder why I am flaunting my profession and how it truly relates to #hive. However, the inspiration that surveying and web3 are relative came while I was in the field acquiring data (coordinate of points) and I wish to share why hivers need to think the way my profession thinks:

Solving Real-Life Problems:

Surveyors are known for their ability to tackle real-world challenges through precise measurement, analysis, and interpretation of data – spatial and non-spatial; these activities are what make the profession gain value in our society today. Similarly, in the digital era, #hive is gaining value because it solves real-life problems – majorly liberating internet users from financial limitations. Therefore, for a hiver to inculcate this nature, he needs to think of what problem to solve in the hive blockchain that would help retain the users, onboard new users, and also make the crypto project rank #1 in the ecosystem. When hivers apply their expertise to solving real-life problems, the blockchain’s growth will eventually be drastic.

Reconnaissance - Research Before Joining the Project:

Before embarking on any project, surveyors conduct thorough reconnaissance and research, examining the terrain and understanding the unique characteristics of the site before carrying out the real survey. This principle is directly applicable to the #hive space, where content creators, investors, influencers, crypto analysts, and enthusiasts engage in comprehensive research on the hive and its fundamentals before joining a project. By leveraging their reconnaissance skills, they get to understand which community to engage as a content creator, the second-layered token to invest in an investor, et al which is a contribution to the strategic planning and successful execution of hive.

Thinking Possibility - Irrespective of How the Site May Be:

Surveyors are trained to approach each project with an open mind, thinking beyond the apparent challenges and considering the possibilities inherent in any site. For instance, from the above picture, the site for the survey was a thick forest but as a surveyor, our thought is how to get the job done. In the context of the #hive blockchain, this mindset is critical. Despite the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrencies, a hiver should think of possibility, he should often look beyond the bear season, and embrace the promising future of hive. Since every hiver needs to understand decentralized finance (DeFi) or explore non-fungible tokens (NFTs), it is ensured they believe in what they invest in – which is #hive irrespective of the complexity of the crypto market.

Invest in the Project:

Just as surveyors invest in buying more instruments that meet the requirements of each survey job, embracing the latest technological developments is also crucial in the hive blockchain. Surveying professionals actively invest in acquiring instruments that align with the latest advancements which indirectly makes work faster and easier. Likewise in #hive, it is important to invest in your study about the market trend and also invest in buying the worthwhile tokens and the second-layered tokens.

Love and Showcase the Project:

Passion for the profession is a driving force for surveyors, and this extends to the showcasing of the profession enticing others to be part of the profession. Just surveyors who love what they do, a hiver should love the ecosystem to the extent of bringing in more hivers. Just to let us know, by sharing their experiences and insights, hivers contribute to the growth of the ecosystem, fostering collaboration and encouraging others to join the exciting journey of shaping the digital landscape.

The lessons from surveying offer a unique perspective on how a profession's principles can seamlessly align with the values and aspirations of a thriving blockchain ecosystem like #hive.

This article is written in InLeo

Inleo is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: Inleo allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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